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Re: Two copies of E-Mail (Re: I wish to advocate linux)

Richard Hector grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On 03/03/13 10:30, David Guntner wrote:
>> I've worked at places where the attitude of management was along the
>> lines of, "If you're going to come to me with a complaint about the way
>> something is being done, provide a possible solution.  Otherwise I don't
>> want to hear from you about it."  I happen to mostly agree with that
>> philosophy.
> FWIW I, in general, don't. I feel it's worth pointing out potential
> pitfalls in a plan even if I can't see an alternative. It may even be
> that the only useful alternative is not to do it at all. And in this
> case, everyone's tolerance to the problem differs - I'd rather manually
> delete a few emails than have them deleted automatically and possibly
> wrongly. And some third party, who hasn't posted ever, may have read
> your suggestion and not thought of that drawback, so it's useful to have
> these things out there.
>> You (yea, in this case you) seem to
>> have the opinion that mine is a horrible solution and I shouldn't be
>> sharing it with others who have a similar situation that they'd like to
>> handle.
> I can only speak for me, but I certainly don't think you shouldn't share
> it. I do think you should welcome comments on it :-)

Hmmm....  Ok, point taken.  I'm aware of the potential pitfalls of what
I'm using, and in my particular case, the likelihood of those situations
is so small as to not warrant any real concern on my part.  Other people
clearly aren't all going to be in that same situation.

Comment I don't mind, but the way I read Brian's reply felt more like a
"that's an awful idea, it shouldn't be used" type of posting.  I can see
now where I probably misread the intent.  (Sorry about that, Brian,
assuming you're reading this.)

If something like this comes up again, I'll try to make sure to also
mention potential problem areas; you're right, someone else seeing the
suggestion may well not think of those types of potential problems at
first.  I don't want to be one of those people who gives someone just
enough information to let them shoot themselves in the foot. :-)


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