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Re: Package Pre-dependencies

> On 02-Mar-13 14:23, Joao Luis Meloni Assirati wrote:
>> So, no. C does not pre-depend on B unless it is explictly stated in its
>> Pre-depends field. Here is an example:
>> bash ==(Depends)==> base-files ==(Pre-Depends)==> awk.
> Thanks - that's what I suspected but it wasn't entirely clear when I was
> reading it.  The problem I have is that many packages install files into
> a directory that in a real environment is actually a symlink to a
> different directory created by the base package.  If they are unpacked
> before the other package then things break  The only two options I see
> are for the packages to explicitly pre-depend on that package OR for
> each package to manually move all of the installed files into the actual
> directory in their debian/rules.  Listing a pre-dependency for each
> package thus seems a less pessimal solution.  But am I missing something
> here?  Is there a better solution?

This seems a fair use case. Note that if the symlink does not exist, a
hierarchy  of directories is created automatically by dpkg to accommodate
the files, and the installation process will not explicitly fail.
Therefore, the solution of a package that creates symlinks that serve as
filesystem structure for other packages is not very "robust", as symlinks
are easily removable (by administration errors).

I don't know if this answers you question.

Best regards,
João Luis.

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