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Re: Not for me.

Yaro Kasear wrote:
On 03/04/2013 08:48 PM, Doug wrote:

Another program, which I used until I retired in 2002 was EEsof's Touchstone. An extremely expensive RF cad program, it worked with netlist inputs.

I'm trying to understand what you're meaning on the Touchstone software... what feature exactly did it have that the billions of other CAD tools don't? I don't know what "netlist" is.

"netlist" is a term of art in electronic design automation - essentially a way to represent connectivity in a textual form (think graph database) - or put another way, after you draw a pretty schematic in a graphical editor, it has to be represented somehow for storage and processing -- before we had nice graphical editors, you simply translated paper drawings into netlists, directly

example, from EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format) by way of Wikipedia:

(edif fibex(edifVersion2  0  0)
  (edifLevel0)  (keywordMap(keywordLevel0))
  (status(written(timeStamp1995  1  1  1  1  1)  (program"xxx"  (version"v1"))))
  (library xxx(edifLevel0)
    (technology(numberDefinition(scale1  (e1  -6)  (unit distance))))
    (cell dff_4(cellType generic)
      (view view1(viewType netlist)
          (port aset(direction INPUT))
          (port clok(direction INPUT))
    (cell yyy(cellType generic)
      (view schematic_(viewType netlist)
          (port CLEAR(direction INPUT))
          (port CLOCK(direction INPUT))  ...  )
           (instance I_36_1(viewRef view1(cellRef dff_4)))
           (instance(rename I_36_3"I$3")  (viewRef view1(cellRef addsub_4)))
           (net CLEAR
               (portRef CLEAR)
                 (portRef aset(instanceRef I_36_1))
                 (portRef aset(instanceRef I_36_3))))

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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