debian-user Oct 2004 by thread
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- Re: apache2: index.php sent unprocessed when accessed indirectly from one location Micha Feigin
- Re: make xconfig & xfree??? Joost Witteveen
- Re: SSH Cracking Attempts Alexei Chetroi
- Re: Software Francois Cerbelle
- Re: User-Mode-Linux problem Alexei Chetroi
- Re: Thunderbird 0.8 and Filters Joost Witteveen
- (OT) PostgreSQL tool to interact from webpage Antonio Rodriguez
- Re: Tomcat 5 debs available Arnaud Vandyck
- Updating regularly Robert Golovniov
- Advice on quiet but powerful hardware for Debian Chris Evans
- Database Replication Nayyar Ahmed
- Re: DVD Burning Asho Yeh
- Problems with prebuilt kernel ALSA Ryan Waye
- Re: Apm on T23 yo mero
- Debian installation and software RAID. Alex Polite
- broken cd-rw drive David Fokkema
- Re: Where's linux programmer's guide? Martin Dickopp
- Is there a stable mail client for linux? Ed Sutherland
- How to burn a Sarge dvd? Thomas H. George
- Error attempting to install Tapeware James Garrison
- Re: NOT ANSWERED asus a7n8x built in nic and intel pro 100 S nic Justin Guerin
- New Grub user? Robert Harris
- Can't login KDE update Johnny
- Re: VIA sound problem Wim De Smet
- Re: floppy in kernel 2.6: is not a block device Justin Guerin
- Re: windows locks up while accessing samba shares Wim De Smet
- Need help to setup soundcard CMI8330 Johnny
- Re: Using mplayer save RealMedia audio in a sensible format? Alex Polite
- Looking for a Debian based distro similar to SME Server. Alex Polite
- Accented characters Rich Wellner
- Re: :SPAM: Re: 100Mbit Lan runs at sloow 417Kbs!! Marcos Carneiro da Rocha
- Re: apache2 install problems Marcos Carneiro da Rocha
- boot problems with grub Jonathan
- Two compilation errors Tong
- Re: DMA issue Justin Guerin
- Problem booting 2.6.8 kernel Robert D. Hilliard
- Quite g00d earnings for y0u ! recruts
- Ihre Email-Adresse Webmaster Feuerwehr Fislisbach
- Chroot Debian Dean Montgomery
- Re: "resolving host" Ralph Katz
- Debian Sarge Routing Peter A. Cole
- [OT] Video card recommendations. Roberto Sanchez
- Re: [OT] Video card recommendations. Paul Johnson
- Re: [OT] Video card recommendations. Roberto Sanchez
- Re: [OT] Video card recommendations. Roy Pluschke
- If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Paul Johnson
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Wim De Smet
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Brendan
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Jules Dubois
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Paul Johnson
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Caveman
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Alex Nordstrom
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Roberto Sanchez
- Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Paul Johnson
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Paolo Alexis Falcone
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Dave Thayer
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Andrea Vettorello
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Dave Thayer
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Clemens Schwaighofer
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Clemens Schwaighofer
- Re: Linux gamers with Matrox cards, speak up please! Frank Gevaerts
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Paul Johnson
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Jules Dubois
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Pigeon
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Wim De Smet
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Roberto Sanchez
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Paul Johnson
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Wim De Smet
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Roberto Sanchez
- Re: If ATI and nVidia don't support their own products, who does? Wim De Smet
- Re: [OT] Video card recommendations. Scotty Fitzgerald
- Re: [OT] Video card recommendations. Kenward Vaughan
- Re: [OT] Video card recommendations. Mike Chandler
- Static IP Setup Problem in Sarge Thomas H. George
- Re: Emacs like environment for VIM Nitebirdz
- flphoto and usb permissions John Kerr Anderson
- Re: UTF-8 locale, strange chars in X terminal pager(s), specifically man pages Frederick B. Henry Jr.
- modprobe error for soundcard CMI8330 Johnny
- Re: Connecting to a particular SSID Adam Aube
- Re: KDE install: unmet dependencies problem Adam Aube
- broken packages Baurjan Ismagulov
- aptitude: packages have been kept back? ms419
- Recommendations for Linux compatible wireless LAN PCMCIA card Paolo Alexis Falcone
- Re: Mozilla startup error msg -> no XBL binding for browser <-huh ? Reuben Brown
- Problem: pppd keeps connection up bmward
- Video capture through USB-streaming Johann Spies
- swapping master & slave HDs: what to change? (solved - pls comment!) SpamHog
- Login Arnfinn Gjøstøl
- Re: Gnome-Panel no longer starts at login, or after Ian Thomas
- apt-get 'search'? Tony Uceda Velez
- Re: Help Paolo Alexis Falcone
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Help Olav Sindre Vik Støylen
- Re: apache2 and php - firefox wants to download phtml file? Jule Slootbeek
- IRQ settings for PCMCIA wi-fi cards Chris
- CD-rom access Arnfinn Gjostol
- DVD drive? Jule Slootbeek
- XFree86-DRI missing Jule Slootbeek
- wvdial doesn't seem to use login strings Eric Dickner
- How to patch.. condor_rl
- Re: newbie trying to install usb modem - works now Stephen Puttick
- sources.list entries? Skip Evans
- Icon bug in Nautilus (SARGE) still not fixed ? ThanhVu Nguyen
- Re: icecast package Caveman
- cron, or something, chatters too much David A. Cobb
- dist-upgrade . . . to what? David A. Cobb
- dpkg-query --showformat David A. Cobb
- Clarification needed for dist-upgrade instructions Eric Dickner
- Re: How to shut down all X apps? Karsten M. Self
- Mutt Error: Can't Open Temporary File Ed Sutherland
- home video, PAL to NTSC conversion Antonio Rodriguez
- Re: subscribe Henning Meyer
- cron + apache problem - I think Richard Lyons
- desktop Theo Lehr
- Re: how to auto-start programs Eddy
- alsa on 2.4.27-1-686 Schelstraete Bart
- Unidentified subject! oliverheard
- fvwm question.. bing yu
- Kooka/xsane only see scanner as root Jonathan Byrne
- Why Grub? Must I Switch? Thomas H. George
- HP 2210 USB printer problems in Sid Curt Howland
- Setting Ink Density? Ed Sutherland
- Re: Firefox 'stretched' printing Norman Walsh
- Installing Michael Satterwhite
- Netgear WG311v2 54M wireless card - drivers, kernel? Andrew M.A. Cater
- apt-upgrading Bluefish (not) ? Adam Bogacki
- Fixed Mutt Error Ed Sutherland
- How to restore files without deleting existing Jeff Chimene
- Chroot SSH problem (Sarge) Eriberto
- Re: Re: Mozilla startup error msg -> no XBL binding for browser <-huh ? Bojan Karan
- Re: Re: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [KS]
- Re: remote backup Daniel Pittman
- Trovato virus nel messaggio "improved" patrizia . amanati
- Re: Sendmail Install Dramas David Powell
- input layer of the linux kernel Paul Akkermans
- acroread plugin? Nikita V. Youshchenko
- Gnome Log Out Hans Gubitz
- /etc/init.d/ is missing.. Eric Dickner
- making tk and wx(python) prettier Matt Price
- using scp to move files Kamaraju Kusumanchi
- apache2: running php as owning user Micha Feigin
- prosba o radu kaviaren
- printing Woody disciple
- monodevelop install problem Pascal Bonesh
- Samba issues Gabriel Granger
- question re: removing all traces of Windows ME OS Chris Moffa
- Re: KDE gets a bum rap Alex Polite
- DWI (Date With Interaction) user(s)? Hugo Vanwoerkom
- Mozilla browsers and Flashplayer Freddy Freeloader
- Software RAID 0 and linux Niels
- USB Generic Drive Storage Ryan Waye
- Woody or Sarge Adi Linden
- Re: FAM causing "device or resource busy" errors when trying to smbumount Paul Yeatman
- No text on console Nathanael Hasbrouck
- AE_NOT_EXIST error messages with hotplug package Olle Eriksson
- Headless Installation Adi Linden
- vsftpd has fallen and wont get up psychoelmo
- Select old and unused packages Oliver Fuchs
- Transport debian woody from laptop to PC Oliver Fuchs
- Recomended dual head video card Nick Hastings
- Vsftpd starting-help! Siju George
- Linux 2.6 kernel modules links... condor_rl
- Hi, About Kernel 2.6.6 with NPTL on Debian. NetSnake
- Installation recommendation Ritesh Raj Sarraf
The last update was on 13:50 GMT Mon May 18. There are 3549 messages. Page 1 of 8.
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