Re: Transport debian woody from laptop to PC
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 06.06, s. keeling wrote:
> Incoming from Oliver Fuchs:
> > I am running a debian woody box for a long time now on my laptop.
> > I want to install it now with the (nearly) same configuration on my
> > PC. Can I transport the laptop system (for example via tar) to my PC
> > or won't this work.
> [...]
> The archives at mention this often. You should think
> carefully about this though. Some apps run on a laptop may not be
> appropriate on a PC. pcmcia, anachron, ... It shouldn't cause any
> real problems you can't work around, however.
How about the other way around? To copy a partition from a desktop
computer to a laptop via cp. Are there any questions asked during a
Debian install about whether it is on a desktop or laptop computer and
what things are differently on a laptop?
Olle Eriksson
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