debian-user Nov 2001 by thread
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- Re: 2 doubts, (continued)
Can't cycle thru X screen resolutions tom schuetz
x broken after upgrade M.J.P.Benschop
No xpr on debian... Mike Fontenot
GCC packages fighting amongst themselves? Phil Edwards
ctrl key functionality gone missing MRZ
Ftp downloads for Linux running AMD K6 shyamk
cannot set DISPLAY from remote machine Lars Jensen
Problem with testing upgrade (kdelibs3) Cam Ellison
syslogd and iptables Raffaele Sandrini
vsound and echo Lang Hurst
apt-get download for remote machine Thomas R. Shemanske
extace alsa compile error Adam John Henry
Help HFaisal
iiBCS Emulator Modules for Linux Amir Bukhari
Running DirectX Games using Linux OS Lambrecht, Joris
Is it possible to install a few testing packages on a stable machine? Stan Brown
Auto login ... Steve Kieu
intrusion detection / logfile reporter Timo <Blazko> Boewing
dpkg problem Cheryl Homiak
RE: Is it possible to install a few testing packages on a stable machine? Kris Huber
unsuscribe Abhishek Amit
mailcap format code ben
Gnus and SMTP? Ole Sebastian Stein
mozilla 0.9.5 on sid Charles Baker
debootstrap Tom Allison
CR/LF xucaen
Re: Apt-get install removes? Paolo Falcone
GLE libraries Stephen Gran
[Fwd: Re: Big time problem after disk crash] calyth-shaw
A RH package won't work on Debian Paul Smith
CR/LF even better xucaen
tar and '-p' option Lance Hoffmeyer
tar split into 650M sizes Lance Hoffmeyer
problem with gnome (mouse can not move) wqh
Problem in my CD-Roms Ali sasani
Audio-CD not readable Angel Parra
run dselect for remote machine (nfs+chroot?) Osamu Aoki
portmap nfs/rpc ports? Igor Mozetic
playmperg and framebuffer problems Stan Brown
can't insmod wd with debian 2.2r3 kirill nelus
vorbis encoder/decoder for potato machine? Stan Brown
Progeny -> woody? Stan Brown
/var/log/messages on the desktop Sunny Dubey
Mutt - Procmail Question Jijo Jose A
Fetchmail - Socket problems? Tobias Bengtsson
true type fonts Matt Fair
apache upgrade stops logging Rick Pasotto
Printer 'HPLaserJ@mansha' - cannot open connection - Connection refused Pankaj Jangid
ext3 to be in 2.4.15! DvB
Mounting samba shares... Alexander Wallace
Mylex ExtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P) Robert V. MacQuarrie
Gigabyte GA-7ZX & sound chip Keith O'Connell
Learn how to be a $100,000 earner Globalgoldrush
building my own .debs Michael P. Soulier
Creating mp3's or vobis's from non CD sources? Stan Brown
vhosts policy? Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld
Thoghts on a computer as a stero component? Stan Brown
trying to verify contents of my tar archive Kurt Lieber
Postfix troubles (rewriting addresses) Joachim Trinkwitz
proftpd root login not possible anymore Dominique Deleris
Fetchmail changes? Alan Chandler
remote install progress? Tom Allison
Woody Gnome login is Slow! hanasaki
Woody and XFree driver for voodoo 3500 TV hanasaki
snmpd eating memory Quietman
update problems Alan Chandler
Support for MS-6378 motherboard hanasaki
DHCP Servr configuration Eric Smith
evolution and conduits Aaron Brashears
new maintainer was (Re: building my own .debs) lloyder
group directories policy? Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld
X 4.1.0 and unicode Patrick McFarland
rm a '-R' file Lance Hoffmeyer
Troubleshooting sensible-mda Andrew Pollock
x broken Soumitri P S
Problem with gnome (mouse is locked in the bottom narrow area) wqhmath
OT: mutt message scoring: body/header? Karsten M. Self
Installation critter
VIM distribution files missing? xucaen
Network Programming in C on Linux ... Pls Help shyamk
Frustration (cablemodem woes) Michael Patterson
Another Truetype problem Reza
kdm background image Lance Hoffmeyer
exim smarthost home domain Lance Hoffmeyer
Aopen MK33 board Sound Problem JakeCatfox
ssh prevents login to X Robert Voigt
lm sensors Mirek Dobsicek
Galeon hangs Jonathan David Wheelhouse
Spis poleceń dla konsoli w Debianie Helena Chaczko
cvs Tom Allison
kernel-package james martinez
apache-common requires mySQL? Tom Allison
DipSwitch HP 510 & Impression philippe.mechelaere
gdm background Lance Hoffmeyer
smarthost home domain exim Lance Hoffmeyer
modconf returns to prompt John
AC97 Sound Problems JakeCatfox
Re: Critical: ssh-nonfree IS exploited Stuart Krivis
AC97 Sound JakeCatfox
xinetd refuse connect Brian P. Flaherty
abiword font problems Hereward Cooper
Message fron chron: cannot get ip address for localhost Cheryl Homiak
Quick question Rob Zietlow
scanner Petr [Dingo] Dvorak
[OT] PocketZip/Clik anyone?? Sunny Dubey
php4 on testing is unistallable Alex Miller
Dealing with broken dependency in dselect Thomas J. Hamman
live video streaming? Brian McGroarty
gkrellm on all desktop.. Michael C. Alonzo
NIC Troubles (etherexpress pro/100, neteverywhere) JakeCatfox
3Dfx OpenGL with Mesa JakeCatfox
boot from rescue into single user or with no modules loaded Ian Thomas
newbie- need help burning 6 woody.raw's to 6 cd's Suleyman
Via82cxxx locked at 48kHz Nikolai Hlubek
CIPE in debian 2.2 - a few problems Wojciech Zabolotny
kdelibs3 Glenn Becker
DNS/BIND questions Matthew Daubenspeck
lilo geometry mismatch on hard disk upgrade Alan Davis
DHCP Broadcast address hanasaki
procmail script question Lang Hurst
rsync with ssh problem Brian Nelson
EMail list software - mailman with tomcat hanasaki
When ROOT->startx, what file executes the window manager program ? Courtney Thomas
package knetfilter saying netfilter not supported in kernel Pankaj Jangid
artsc.h ? Stan Brown
X server problem Jijo Jose A
GNUPG and multiple keyservers? Ron Farrer
gvim in Debian Jason Machacek
Coldsync using usbserial module Marc Moody
Limewire on Potato Erik van der Meulen
[no subject] wqhmath
I know php4 is broken in woody Petr Cech
no wikis packaged for debian? op
How Do I Reinstall A Package? David Harrigan
null modem test Russell Coker
Re: Change XFree from 4.1.0 to 3.3.6 in testing? Frank Zimmermann
fake a netscape 4 browser with galeon? Bruno Boettcher
Re: kdebaselibs-Problem Andreas Rottmann
RCS/CVS for /etc xio
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V101 #2030 spam_filter
Upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 Steve Lee
exim (smarthost/home IP) at same time Lance Hoffmeyer
NVIDIA GForce2 MX400 Christoph Hoenscheid
KDE Trouble Jim Farrand
XFree86 problem on Woody Rachel Andrew
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