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Re: debootstrap

Michael Heldebrant wrote:

On Fri, 2001-11-09 at 19:34, Tom Allison wrote:

Where can I find LOTS of documentation on this debootstrap program?
It seems that this is being used to replace the old base*.tgz files that I'm so familiar with.

I'm trying to figure out how to do a remote installation with near zero direct access to a computer and this might simplify things a lot.

how does it work?

After wrestling with it just today myself (see debian-beowulf for more
on this subject because I want to do the exact same thing) I found out
it's actually quite easy to use for setting up a chrootable live system
inside of a currently running system (though I'm sure it can do more).

just run:

debootstrap dist /target/dir http://http.us.debian.org/debian

where dist = woody sid potato (not stable unstable ... that didn't work
for me)

/target/dir is wherever you want it to land and the http (or ftp) site
your favorite mirror.  Works like a charm.


Do you think that I could do this from a floppy like the LinuxRouterProject? Or some other linux mini-distro? Or does this have to be a mini-debian distro?

Where I get into trouble (I think) is that in the congifiguration process, there is an option to pull up the network information and set up the modules. I will already have the modules loaded into RAM since I'll be accessing the PC via ssh from across the country.

Right now, my best alternative is to download the base2_2.tgz file and unzip that all over the hard drive. But I'm having trouble finding out what I would have to run after that to finish the installation...

I kind of have to do everything the debian installation is designed to do, but manually as I won't be accessing a tty anywhere in the process.

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