debian-user Dec 2019 by thread
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Trying to uninstall xfce4 aprekates
Running sudo without being in sudo group. aprekates
Bullying; was: Re: Authentication for telnet. peter
iptables firewall and web sites not loading Nektarios Katakis
Shouldn't a window manager has xserver as dependency ? aprekates
Hi Dear, Lisa williams
Previous versions of Debian GNU/Linux Davide Lombardo
Booting Debian freezes on “[OK] Started GNOME Display Manager” Billy Andriamahazomandimby
Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.systemd1.UnitMasked: Unit -.mount is masked. Charles Curley
printing on a remote usb printer Pierre Frenkiel
Install prob guy MARQUIS
Trouble booting a fresh built kernel--stuck on `loading initial ramdisk` Tony Fischetti
Finalizing a Video DVD Marc Shapiro
Kernel and toolchain versions for Debian 10 Момчило Крунић
Re: unlock a locked up tty session Gudrun Otto
keyboard not found at post, works after boot Gene Heskett
Install buster, mouse lag guy MARQUIS
installazione santambrog
rsyslog adding old entries again mj
Depmod Sergio
Help! Borked suspend/hibernate after adding swap partition Ottavio Caruso
how to have a common prompt in bash and guake so I can view date and time as part of prompt ? shirish शिरीष
unstable: directory pulse in root directory : /pulse where from? Jörg-Volker Peetz
looking for a replacement for debian since systemd Britton Kerin
Claws mail click on folder - shows zero mails,,,,, Charlie
- Re: Claws mail click on folder - shows zero mails,,,,, Brad Rogers
- Re: Claws mail click on folder - shows zero mails,,,,, Andrei POPESCU
apparent change in hostnames on LAN without admin intervention Jape Person
RCA Cable to USB Video input device Marc Shapiro
User Forgets Aliases Stephen P. Molnar
Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2019 #1206 Larry Sapp
The last update was on 19:50 GMT Mon Dec 21. There are 838 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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