debian-user Dec 2016 by thread
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Re: arm people distributing images with user 1000 already allocated, please stop that Jonathan Dowland
Re: Is this really the way to get your name out? Nick Boyce
Paket Quisk-Error Peter Seifert
Nvidia Legacy 304xx David Baron
systemd-resolved ipv6 resolving issue Henning Follmann
{Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Richard Owlett
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Jochen Spieker
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Steven Mainor
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Richard Owlett
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} deloptes
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Curt
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Richard Owlett
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Jochen Spieker
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Pascal Hambourg
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Jochen Spieker
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Steven Mainor
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Pascal Hambourg
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} Richard Owlett
- Re: {Debian (>=Jessie)} AND { MultiMediaCard, SD Memory Card, etc} David Christensen
hplip and use of the "driver plugin" doark
Re: Re: Problem compiling libpoppler=0.48.0-2 in Jessie kamaraju kusumanchi
nosh version 1.29 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Document and LBC (Was: Debian *not very good) Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Jessie upgrade without systemd [was: Debian *not very good] Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
LVM RAID vs LVM over MD Kamil Jońca
package version searching Felix Miata
packages from would not install (then did with dpkg) Felix Miata
Followed got mysql error, syntax Error 1064 Nate Homier
nvidia-driver in Sid Ramon Hofer
systemd-journald fails Rainer Dorsch
Message not available
Re: systemd-journald fails Rainer Dorsch
Re: systemd-journald fails Greg Wooledge
Re: systemd-journald fails Dan Ritter
Message not available
Re: systemd-journald fails Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Re: systemd-journald fails Michael Biebl
ISO9660 creator in Debian Jessie terryc
WiFi after initial install Mark Fletcher
Setting ad-hoc connection that survives sleep Stefan Monnier
Re: Resolved already: No ffmpeg?, howto convert/extract audio from webmd ,write to ogg? maderios
OT: Read-Only NFS-mounted Debian System for Library Kiosk PCs, using KACE K2000 as PXE? Kent West
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: OT: Read-Only NFS-mounted Debian System for Library Kiosk PCs, using KACE K2000 as PXE? David Niklas
djbwares version 4 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
ssh doesn't work. EenyMeenyMinyMoa
Where are WiFi passwords (WPA keys) stored? Robert Latest
VirtualBox 5.0.28 USB-Problem Klaus Jantzen
online debian man pages back up davidson
How to change the name of a Debian .deb package? Hugo Vanwoerkom
"command not found" Bob Holtzman
can't install spotify in debian stretch Bart Vliegen
Advantages of Debian "backports" over "testing"? Martin T
flashing window button rlharris
nmtui difficulties Jude DaShiell
non-free software requirement Steve Greig
Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages Vincent Lefevre
default "Default-Release" for APT Martin T
Ice dove and calendars? Boyan Penkov
Wheezy no longer accepts my passwords to open /home and /mnt partitions on boot Ken Heard
Intel Atom Poulsbo, gma500 Floris
potential damage to Debian "stable" when installing packages from "testing" Martin T
OT?: FAT32(/16?) Question: Max. files in top level directory rhkramer
systemd and initial tmpfs mounts Andreas Born
systemd automount - Parameter TimeoutIdleSec ignored? Andreas Born
mendeley Boyan Penkov
Brother HL-L2300D Mono Laser Lisi Reisz
ext4 superblock overwritten Heinz Nimmervoll
Package update problem... Mark Neidorff
spam filtering question? Karen Lewellen
mdadm - Progress mails of checkarray now missing Hans Kraus
How do I update the plug-ins in WordPress? Followed Says I need ftp server. Nate Homier
newsletter dated 01-40-28 mohamed35
Integrating usb-modeswitch and ifupdown for modem stick Rainer Dorsch
Where to report wl bad behavior ? Laurent Debian
proftpd in testing Florian Lindner
network setup Jude DaShiell
mount usb drive as user kamaraju kusumanchi
understanding how localization works in Debian Martin T
How to upgrade / compile an ARM kernel? Robert Latest
Nvidia legacy 340 package was removed? tier
Using EasyCAP USB video capture device rhkramer
Tip: nmtui NetworkManager, Terminal Interface (also Bug#694068 + hostname) Cindy-Sue Causey
Plasma: keyboard crash Hans
Black Screen on First Boot Dan Norton
current testing Jim McCloskey
Python Alternatives? Michael Milliman
X start-up delay (was: current testing) Borden Rhodes
pam_tty_audit doesn't work. Alternatives? info info
✅ Xmas gift: 16 Photography software FX... Auto FX Software
best practices for fighting spam with Debian? Daniel Pocock
upnp client for debian Pierre Frenkiel
Which package for reportbug? John Elliot V
CRM Users List Carolina Marina
exotic phone's MTP recognized as high speed camera, not able to write data deloptes
Installing Tetex packages now terryc
Black screen after exiting X Rodolfo Medina
gpg-agent on stretch? Boyan Penkov
Predictable Network Interface Names prevents WiFi connections. Miguel A. Vallejo
probable broken tomcat6 package on wheezy John Naggets
Re: probable broken tomcat6 ewrt ert
[Newbie] Can ls command format output my way? Richard Owlett
The last update was on 07:44 GMT Mon May 27. There are 872 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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