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Re: current testing

I'd advise against running testing if you want stability. I get a lot
of breakages on my Stretch laptop with routine upgrades. When I look
into them, a number of breakages seem due to transitions to newer
library platforms where all the kinks haven't been worked out yet.
Other packages simply have more systemic issues which will take a lot
more effort to fix.

For example, on Sunday I upgraded the xserver and wayland packages to
their current testing version. Now my computer freezes or hangs when
it tries to start KDE/SDDM. Can't switch into consoles and the only
option is to hard power off. Seems to be a problem unique to me
because I can't find anybody else complaining about it. Again, though:
routine upgrade.

I've also had problems with btrfs completely locking up when a
partition gets full and nftables doesn't work right now because of a
library platform transition. Worst of all, reportbug-ng's sending
gibberish reports to the bug server so all my reports get summarily
rejected! So it all depends on how cutting edge you want to be. The
'core packages' seem to be holding up.

I hope that helps.

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