debian-l10n-french Aug 2004 by thread
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- [d-i] Etat dans le CVS des questionnaires debconf 2004/08/01 6% Pierre Machard
- Re: critique sur dlfp -> analyse sommaire Martin Quinson
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french consultants/ultreia.wml devel/de ... Pierre Machard
- [LCFC] po-debconf://libpaper/fr.po Denis Barbier
- [LCFC] po-debconf://mozilla/fr.po Denis Barbier
- [d-i] Etat dans le CVS des questionnaires debconf 2004/08/02 6% Pierre Machard
- [bts] po-debconf://apt-proxy/fr.po #263040 Olivier Trichet
- Debian WWW CVS commit by marteaut: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-336.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by marteaut: webwml/french/security/2004 dsa-534.wml Pierre Machard
- [Relu] webwml://CD/torrent-cd/index.wml Willy Picard
- [RFR] man://module-init-tools/* Pierre Machard
- [BTS] po-debconf://libpaper1/fr.po #263152 Denis Barbier
- [BTS] po-debconf://mozilla/fr.po #263153 Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/CD/torrent-cd index.wml Pierre Machard
- sildnefil citrate is the active ingredient in the pfizer blue pill Clare Tezeno
- [d-i] Etat dans le CVS des questionnaires debconf 2004/08/04 0% Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french devel/debian-installer/errata.wm ... Pierre Machard
- [ITT] po-debconf://iterm/fr.po Mohammed Adnène TROJETTE
- Loans with tiny points are here now Ryley K Thomas
- get the protectionyour car needs-extended warranties Sam J. Jones
- Debian WWW CVS commit by toddy: webwml english/devel/debian-installer/errata.w ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/international/Polish index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/intro free.wml Pierre Machard
- Stolen document - Request# CS12847 im
- wiki lexique Christophe Combelles
- 2 pages modifiees la semaine derniere sur le wiki lexique ccomb
- Re: Pour info Denis Barbier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/Bugs Developer.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/devel dmup.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/devel leader.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/intro license_disc.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/vote howto_proposal.wml Pierre Machard
- [TAF] po-debconf://diablo/fr.po Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://harden/fr.po Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://sitebar/fr.po Martin Quinson
- [BTS] po-debconf://iterm/fr.po #236893 Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://gnats/fr.po Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://motion/fr.po Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://vdr-plugin-bitstreamout/fr.po Martin Quinson
- [RFR] po-debconf://htdig/fr.po Philippe Batailler
- fogging exogamy paternoster Lorenzo Woodson
- posgresql 7.2.1 philippe L
- [RFR] webwml://News/weekly/2004/30/index.wml Frédéric Bothamy
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly/2004/30 index.wml Pierre Machard
- [rfr] man:// Olivier Trichet
- Pages web orphelines a mettre a jour Script watching translation state
- [ Pages web a mettre a jour] Martin Quinson
- [Relu] webwml://CD/netinst/index.wml Willy Picard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/CD/netinst index.wml Pierre Machard
- [BTS] man://fakeroot/fakeroot.1 #263947 Sylvain Cherrier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by djpig: webwml/french/international/french Makefile Pierre Machard
- [ITT] webwml://releases/sarge/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] webwml://devel/join/nm-{advocate,amchecklist}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-installer gtk-front ... Pierre Machard
- [BTS] man://kernel-package/* #263990: Sylvain Cherrier
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/releases index.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/distrib floppyinst.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by chcouder: webwml/french/devel extract_key.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/releases/sarge index.wml Pierre Machard
- [rfr] webwml://releases/sarge/{errata,index,credits,reporting-bugs}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [itt] webwml://releases/etch/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/releases/sarge credits.wml errat ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/releases/etch Makefile index.wml Pierre Machard
- [DONE] man://fakeroot/fakeroot.1 #263947 Sylvain Cherrier
- Quelques stats, et appel a volontaires pour les bascules Martin Quinson
- Debian WWW CVS commit by fbothamy: webwml/french/News/weekly contributing.wml Pierre Machard
- [DONE] man://kernel-package/* #263990 Sylvain Cherrier
- Trads podebconf de Christian (et d'autres) Martin Quinson
- [rfr] webwml://devel/debian-installer/News/2004/20040621.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-installer/News/2004 ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/join nm-advocate.wml nm-am ... Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/CD/netinst index.wml Pierre Machard
- [RFR] po-debconf://mdadm/fr.po Eric
- [rfr] (update) wml://devel/tech-ctte.wml Clément Stenac
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/debian-installer builds.wm ... Pierre Machard
- [rfr] webwml://devel/debian-installer/News/2004/20040807.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Tout vient a point... Martin Quinson
- Appel a l'aide pour les traductions Martin Quinson
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/devel/join nm-amchecklist.wml Pierre Machard
- [ITT] po://gettext/fr.po Christophe Combelles
- [DICO] tuple, mapping ? Christophe Combelles
- [ITT] po-debconf://diablo/fr.po (par Jean Luc) Martin Quinson
- [rfr] webwml://vote/2002/platforms/bdale.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] NMU webwml://CD/http-ftp/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] webwml://consultants/{applepie-solutions,ullrich-it-consult}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] webwml://devel/debian-installer/report-template.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] webwml://vote/2002/platforms/index.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] webwml://vote/2004/gr_sarge_{stats,stats_detailed}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Re: cvs help: devel/debian-installer/News/2004 Nicolas Bertolissio
- [done] webwml://vote/2004/vote_005.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/vote/2002/platforms bdale.wml Pierre Machard
- UTF-8 en console [ était : quel encodage ? ] Nicolas Bertolissio
- 4 pages modifiees la semaine derniere sur le wiki lexique debian-l10n-french
- [d-i] Etat dans le CVS des questionnaires debconf 2004/08/09 99% Pierre Machard
- [bts] po-debconf://ssl-cert/fr.po #264437 Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] webwml://international/Arabic Mohammed Adnène TROJETTE
- [ITT] po-debconf://harden/fr.po Nicolas Bertolissio
- page de stats ? Nicolas Bertolissio
- [ITT] webwml://News/2004/2004{0406,0506}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Où il est question de démons (et de daemons) Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
- [itt] webwml://events/2004/{0728-linuxfest,1022-berlinux}.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Bonjour Jeremy Monnet
- [itt] webwml://vote/2002/platforms/branden.wml Nicolas Bertolissio
- Qques questions :(! Mezig
- [DONE] webwml://devel/wnpp/{being_adopted,being_packaged,orphaned,prospective,requested,rfa_bymaint,rfa_bypackage,work_needed}.wml Pierre Machard
- [TAF] po-debconf://fvwm/fr.po (Christian) Martin Quinson
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/News/2004 20040406.wml 20040506.wml Pierre Machard
- [TAF] po-debconf://clamav/fr.po (Christian) Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://lilo/fr.po (Christian) Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://tetex-base/fr.po (Christian) Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://rssh/fr.po (Michel) Martin Quinson
- [TAF] po-debconf://msttcorefonts/fr.po (Martin) Martin Quinson
- Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french/events/2004 0728-linuxfest.wml 1 ... Pierre Machard
- [TAF] po-debconf://mysql-dfsg/fr.po (Christian) [Et instructions correctes pour MAJ] Martin Quinson
Floppee de TAF: correction Martin Quinson
[RFR] po://synaptic/fr.po Julien Louis
Debian WWW CVS commit by bertol: webwml/french News/2004/20040506.wml events/20 ... Pierre Machard
[TAF] po://linda/po/fr.po Martin Quinson
[TAF] po://lpe/po/fr.po Martin Quinson
[TAF] po://rpncalc/po/fr.po Martin Quinson
[TAF] po://tlpr/po/fr.po Martin Quinson
[d-i] Etat dans le CVS des questionnaires debconf 2004/08/10 99% Pierre Machard
[TAF] man://apt-proxy/fr.po Julien Louis
[TAF] man://base-config/fr.po Julien Louis
Re: [TAF] man://debianutils/fr.po Julien Louis
Re: [TAF] man://defoma/fr.po Julien Louis
Re: [TAF] man://devscripts/fr.po Julien Louis
[RFR] po://tlpr/po/fr.po Mezig
[TAF] man://dpkg/* Julien Louis
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