debian-edu Sep 2004 by thread
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- Re: List of possible XkbModel entries per locale Arash Bijanzadeh
- Conspicuously many "bad file descriptor" in strace from CUPS (attached) Herman Robak
- Re: squid ACLs and LDAP Kurt
- DESA-2004-015 - python2.2: buffer overflow Morten Werner Olsen
- updates ksulliva
- Re: English skolelinux users mailing list etc Petter Reinholdtsen
- FET Liviu Lalescu
- Local Multi user and Skolelinux ? Bernard Hugueney
- Pre-Report: Importing user data using hash codes from /etc/shadow Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- Q: comfortable passwd changing for students? Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- School Administration. David Palmer
- Build .debs from CVS without getting the CVS/ directories in the source Petter Reinholdtsen
- Re: Localization-config uploaded, 2 strings for translation Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
- RFS: schooltool Brian Sutherland
- Weekly report week 36, plans for week 37 Andreas Schuldei
- Status on Sarge (testing) version of Skolelinux Knut Yrvin
- [samba] netlogin.bat isn't run on w2k clients Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- GAMGI: new scientific package Carlos Pereira
- weekly report week 36 Joey Hess
- Q: Experiences with Eclipse on LTSP (venus)? Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- Weekly report week 36, and next step Knut Yrvin
- Tux Paint Config alpha release Bill Kendrick
- Bug#257059: 257059: Opinions? Christoffer Sawicki
- Installation problems and other questions... Frédéric BOITEUX
- [no subject] prof.dr.salich
- in-flight-configuration of pam and nss-switch Andreas Schuldei
- OSS license for a book? Bill Kendrick
- Skolelinux jobs for students Hilaire Fernandes
- Re: Suggested solutions to certificate handling/generation for server/clients using SSL/TLS. Andreas Schuldei
- Faulty disk, probably offline for a couple of days. Konstantinos Margaritis
- Some questions after install... Frédéric BOITEUX
- Sound on thin clients ? Frédéric BOITEUX
- sudo and pam_ldap Alex Brasetvik
- Move wln-0.17-1 into woody-test. Alex Brasetvik
- Configure 2nd NIC on Tjener? Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- weekly report week 37 Joey Hess
- Weekly report week 37, and next step Knut Yrvin
- Webmin packages orphaned, new maintainer is needed Finn-Arne Johansen
- Webmin and dhcp3-server Finn-Arne Johansen
- RFT: new samba packages Morten Werner Olsen
- DESA-2004-016 - cupsys: denial of service Morten Werner Olsen
- DESA-2004-017 - gdk-pixbuf: several vulnerabilities Morten Werner Olsen
- Debian Edu: new scientific package Carlos Pereira
- Fwd: Re: Skolelinux oversettelse Knut Yrvin
- skolelinux bug: KDE can't log in, $HOME not writable Karl Hegbloom
- Re: Any project prepared to submit packaging stuff to SVN before Florence conference Petter Reinholdtsen
- Processing of debian-edu_0.801_i386.changes Archive Administrator
- debian-edu_0.801_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
- Creating Machine Accounts for MS WinClients Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- Re: Webmin improvements Finn-Arne Johansen
- LTSP & Server XFree versions... Frédéric BOITEUX
- Weekly report week 38, and next step Knut Yrvin
- konqueror doesn't use proxy by default Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- weekly report week 38 Joey Hess
- FAQ splinters Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- Austria: Schools are evaluating Linux (German) Andreas Tille
- wlus and timings Finn-Arne Johansen
- proxy not activated for konqueror by default (Venus 1.0) Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- (forw) [OpenAFS] First Conference ever Andreas Schuldei
- Weekly report week 39, and next step Knut Yrvin
- Weekly report week 38+39, plans for week 40 Andreas Schuldei
- weekly report week 39 Joey Hess
- Bug#273734: education-common: con't fulfill the Recommends on !i386 Adrian Bunk
- New bug reports relevant for CDDs Andreas Tille
- Bug#273801: education-tasks: installs general file which might lead to name space problems Andreas Tille
- Openoffice Fonts lack typographic quotes and Euro Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- Outcome of Custom Debian Distro Workshop in Florence Petter Reinholdtsen
- Fwd: backup and desaster recovery question (ldap) C. Gatzemeier
- Re: Problems with distribution skolelinux Knut Yrvin
- Re: I'm back! sindimetalurgicos
- [unsolved] win2k clients don't use netlogin.bat Ralf Gesel|ensetter
- Draft spec for cerebrum in Debian Edu Petter Reinholdtsen
- Comments on the "Skolelinux - User Requirements Specification" Petter Reinholdtsen
- Re: Comments on the "Skolelinux - User Requirements·Specification" Kurt Gramlich
The last update was on 20:28 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 294 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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