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Re: Webmin packages orphaned, new maintainer is needed

On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 07:20:37PM +0200, Finn-Arne Johansen wrote:
> While looking through the security buletin[1] for webmin, I found thet the
> current maintainer has orphaned the package[2]. This is a package the we
> really use in Debian-Edu/Skolelinux, and it should continue to be
> maintained. 
> So if any volunteers, please step forward

Another way to solve the orphaned packages is to build or own control
application. There are several reasons to do so: 
 - webmin is orphaned
 - some thinks that perl sucks
 - Some of the modules we use really needs some cutomization anyway
   (nfs-export, dhcp ++)
 - A lot of things is missing
 - Another framework than webmin may attract new developers

I guess there is plenty of other reasons.

If we look at what we actually uses in webmin: 
 module     webmin/debian-edu  Comment
 wlus       debian-edu         well, we need it to be faster, but it
                               gets the job done
 wln        debian-edu         maybe it needs to interact with dhcp and
                               nfs-export (automount info in ldap)
 nfs-export webmin             see above
 dhcp       webmin             see above, there is also a dependecy
                               problem with this one
 squid      webmin             Needs to interact with
 nagios     n/a                Well nagios has kind of a status page,
                               but you need to edit text-files to actually
                               change anything
 domain/network n/a            We need the possibility to change
                               "everything about the installation". New
                               domain name, new IPRange for backbone..

I've probably forgot a lot of things, and some of you may disagree with
me about both asking the question, and the modules listed. 

Finn-Arne Johansen 

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