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Weekly report week 38

I've several times thought it would be a good idea if I too sent
weekly reports, to let the rest of you know what I am up to.  This is
the first try.

Done last week (from memory):

 - Assisted Konstantinos in getting localization-config to work in
   Woody/with Skolelinux.
 - Worked on the woody-test CD, getting it to install again.
   - Upgraded d-i boot floppy to 2.4.27 to get kernel module udebs
   - Found and fixed (or got someone to fix) build problems related to
     dependency issues.
   - Tested l-c.
 - Assisted people with build isues on #debian-edu (irc.debian.org).
 - Written presentation for CDD workshop.
 - I'm sure I forgot something.

Plans for this week:

 - Visit Italy, participate in the Custom Debian Distro workshop at
   Firenze World Vision 2004,
   <URL:http://www.miu-ft.org/what/events/20040924.fwv.cdd/>.  The
   slides for my talk is at
   Leaving on Wednesday, returning on Monday.
 - Write document describing what Cerebrum should do in Skolelinux

Randome notes about plans for future weeks:
 - Test CVS version of xdebconfigurator to check if the base-config
   fragments work as they should.
 - Get someone to push kschoolmenu into Debian.
 - Reinstall maintainer.skolelinux.no with Sarge to get a machine for
   Cerebrum testing.
 - etc.

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