debian-user Mar 2010 by thread
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Re: Overwrite existing partition with zeros without hurting partition table? (Debian Lenny) Jochen Schulz
Clamav mail scan with Mutt Omar Campagne
hotplug disk (howto power off) nico
no network after sleep on squeeze with gnome Richard Otte
Image tagging multiple music files Paul Johnson
Is there a command line tool for creating 3d text effects? Micha Feigin
Monitor Resolution issues Linux User
[PATCH]: lenny - kernel-package 11.015 for use with kernel_2.6.33 Mart Frauenlob
Bash "read" command: want to preload some data Bob Cox
eaccelerator on debian Julien Vehent
Substitutin fonts with ~/.fonts.conf Matteo Riva
[OT] Google-Transliterate and MUA Michelle Konzack
Install failed un ASUS RS300-E6/PS4 server Sam Przyswa
MySQL upgrade failed PLEASE HELP!!! Oscar Corte
emacs transient-mark-mode MList
fuseiso9660 refuse to show content of all files in iso image MList
aumix not working MList
Can't Zap X (Option "DontZap" "off") John Magolske
Rer: Two Lenny problems Cecil Knutson
Installing to Flash Drive Heddle Weaver
Resume broke after upgrading Squeeze in my T61 Muurim ki Perttu
this table in html how Vadkan Jozsef
extracting vector graphics from a PDF Steve Kleene
perl/bash question - html link out of text Vadkan Jozsef
Dual monitor setup and xrandr Roger Leigh
gnome-ppp error twixt
Vfat or NTFS? Russell Gadd
problems with gstreamer Marcelo Chiapparini
gnome-ppp error is now a kernel failure? twixt
modsecurity and moin-moin Todd A. Jacobs
Missing pages in new farm wiki Todd A. Jacobs
DANIEL GONZALEZ would like to connect with you on Yahoo! DANIEL GONZALEZ
Emacs24? Zachary Uram
editing grub in lenny to boot from ext4 partition Umarzuki Mochlis
how are debconf and dpkg-deb related? vikram
help..."NIT" for Eaton Powerware 5110 Data
How to know if DVI connection is digital or analogue? Dotan Cohen
no write access in /home reiserfs (encrypted) 2.6.32-2-686 robi
Bash email attachment Raven
NFS mount from a particuliar interface ? Frank Bonnet
OT: wireless b/g/n usb adaptor I Rattan
Problem using totem John Salmon
DAAP server for OS X or Debian? Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum
rendering languages? Zachary Uram
/boot partition changes when it should not Clive McBarton
Iceweasel 3.5.6 global spellcheck Dean Montgomery
Installing Debian ahpurdy
what is this thing? tom arnall
KDE and Squeeze lrhorer
Burning cue/mp3 files on Debian Mark Kamichoff
China Netcom SIP randall
Kieruj pracownikami bardziej profesjonalnie. pomorskie zachodniopomorskie szkolenia
Custom debian installeur on DVD Marion . DELEY
javascript-common does not install Mathieu Malaterre
custom SNMP for custom graph Mihamina Rakotomandimby
FW: Bug#538099: marked as done (enable GFXPAYLOAD on /etc/default/grub) Andrei Popescu
extra 1~ added into front of middle button capture on ibook using Xorg not in gpm Mitchell Laks
Flash Player Install Confusion Carlos Mennens
Install Xen from repository pch0317
Installing Debian using custom kernel Tushar Joshi
device name problem after update Angelin Lalev
Debian 5 security issue Bret Busby
Getting no reply from this mailing list surreal
installer issue m . vos2
installing debian without display Julien Vehent
install debian without screen (on guruplug) Julien Vehent
how to install debian on an usb pendrive Vadkan Jozsef
Please recommend: Simple, Web-based Issue tracking system for internal use Tech Geek
Postscript, PDF Problems with Iceape and OpenOffice Thomas H. George
Enigmail problem in icedove Merciadri Luca
новoe для ЧП в 2010 нaлoговая
where is angband? Martin
Squeeze KDE desktop icons James Zuelow
Hello surreal
Installer problem Richard Hector
aoe - with freenas, openfiler Vadkan Jozsef
Linux should not be booting Carlos Davila
ATI Radeon HD 4550 & HDMI : only stereo (with radeonhd) !!! David BERCOT
How to know if USB device has driver properly installed? Dotan Cohen
The last update was on 16:15 GMT Sun Aug 11. There are 2682 messages. Page 2 of 6.
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