debian-user Mar 2010 by subject
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"internet connection tester script"
"SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address"
(no subject)
Re: (OT) gnash vs. flash
Re:(OT) gnash vs. flash (was Re: Why does installing gnome ...)
Re: (OT) LaTeX vs Word vs OOo
(OT) LaTeX vs Word vs OOo (was: (OT) gnash vs. flash)
(Partially SOLVED) Re: Wireless still not working
(SOLVED?) Re: Wireless still not working
Re: -i386 to amd64
/boot fs (was Re: /boot partition changes when it should not)
/boot partition changes when it should not
:Loading LinuxEBDA is big" lilo error - PERMANENT fix?
DANIEL GONZALEZ would like to connect with you on Yahoo!
Pénz az Interneten - Akár napi 40.000 Ft
новoe для ЧП в 2010
[ANNOUNCE] apt-offline 0.9.7 released
[OT] Google-Transliterate and MUA
[OT] Hanlon's Razor (was: Debian 5 security issue)
Re: [OT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
Re: [OT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
[OT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
Re: [OT] iceweasel vs. Firefox
[OT] iceweasel vs. Firefox (was gnash vs. flash)
Re: [OT] Linux should not be booting
[OT] Pronunciation of "metacity" (was Manage window: change positions, etc.)
[OT] Ron
Re: [OT] teenage slang. was: Re: [OT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
Re: [OT] teenage slang. was: Re: [OT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
Re: [OT] teenage slang. was: Re: [OT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
[OT] Users posting to the wrong list (was: DNS (BIND)primario y secundario)
[PATCH]: lenny - kernel-package 11.015 for use with kernel_2.6.33
[Semi-OT] Difficulties in moving to Linux (was Re: (OT) gnash vs. flash ...)
[Semi-OT] Incredibly useful Firefox addon: Hyperwords
Re: [semi-SOLVED] Re: Why does installing gnome packages versioned 2.28+6 insist on installing gnash?
[semi-SOLVED] Re: Why does installing gnome packages versioned 2.28+6 insist on installing gnash?
[SOLUTION] Re: Radeon HD 3850 / RV670 AGP: no firmware loaded / slow
[SOLVED] pivot_root. unmount old root
Re: [SOLVED] Can't install deb kernel in chroot environment
RE: [SOLVED] How to reduce a debian system to a base system
[Solved] Mailing list policy change?
[solved] Missing pages in new farm wiki
[SOLVED] need help with xorg.conf
[SOLVED] nic issue on Debian Lenny
Re: [SOLVED] Overwrite existing partition with zeros without hurting partition table? (Debian Lenny)
[SOLVED] Overwrite existing partition with zeros without hurting partition table? (Debian Lenny)
Re: [SOLVED] Re: Why does installing gnome packages versioned 2.28+6 insist on installing gnash?
[SOLVED] SCSI module eata no longer loading automatically from initrd on Sid on i386
[Taking off-list] Re: Overwrite existing partition with zeros without hurting partition table? (Debian Lenny)
RE: [UPDATE] Working network connectivity, not working DNS resolutions
Re: [WOT] Help for non-Debian distributions (was How to read log files)
`Open terminal here' functionality in GNOME? Exists in KDE, but where in GNOME?
`Print selection' unimplemented in Iceweasel?
ACPI problem on linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 powering off
acroread packages obsoleted
ad blocking squid
Re: after upgrade etch -> lenny, problem with vim syntax highlighting in bash scripts
Re: after upgrade etch -> lenny, problem with vim syntax highlighting in bash scripts
Any incompatibility with Ethernet adapters?
Anyone playing Supertux in Debian Lenny?
aoe - with freenas, openfiler
Apache Document Root
Apache2 chroot /dev/null permission denied
apt-get for deb and rpm
Re: aptitude lists linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-686 under Obsolete and Locally Created Packages?
Re: aptitude lists linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-686 under Obsolete and Locally Created Packages?
aptitude lists linux-image-2.6.32-trunk-686 under Obsolete and Locally Created Packages?
aptitude package filtering
aptitude upgrade problems
Aptitude wish list item
are aptitude and synaptic compatible?
ATI Radeon HD 4550 & HDMI : only stereo (with radeonhd) !!!
aumix not working
Re: Automatically remounting CIFS share
backing up with rsnapshot and LVM snapshots
Backport question apology
backports issue with firefox and a mms stream
Bash "read" command: want to preload some data
Bash email attachment
bash scripting question
Battery status is not the same using two different sources of info
Fw: Berita Gembira
bigmem kernel
Bill Merriam seems to have a misconfigured smtp server
Booting from newly installed Kernel package?
Both Abiword and OpenOffice fail to read Word file.
bruteforce protection howto
FW: Bug#538099: marked as done (enable GFXPAYLOAD on /etc/default/grub)
Re: Re: building entire Lenny from source
Re: Building kernel image packages with make-kpkg, custom dependency
Burning cue/mp3 files on Debian
Can't change brightness on Dell Studio 1749
Can't install deb kernel in chroot environment
Can't Zap X (Option "DontZap" "off")
Capturing SWF video from URL
The last update was on 16:15 GMT Sun Aug 11. There are 2682 messages. Page 1 of 6.
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