debian-user Jun 2009 by thread
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Disable nepomuk? Ed Jabbour
Fwd: [OT] Gmail posters! turn off html! Harry Rickards
Bestätigen Sie Ihre daten. DHL Sicherheitscenter
Konqueror spawning multiple copies from Kmail AG
64Bit installation on a 500 GB Sata DRIVE Rod James Bio
Where are squeeze weekly snapshot? Raffaele Morelli
Expanding subnets kj
crond.daily: paralellel or sequential? Joost Kraaijeveld
Activating swap... failed. Nuno Magalhães
Re: Activating swap... failed. [SOLVED] Nuno Magalhães
[OT] Hosting a DNS GNUbie
best ext3 reader/writer software? András Péter
X11/Intrinsic.h (?) alexe100
Re: why must emacs depend on sound packages? Barclay, Daniel
Re: Can I preserve the case of folder name after a vfat partition is mounted? Barclay, Daniel
mysql server to remote client abdelkader belahcene
update issue when /tmp is noexec Russell Gadd
lvm on a single big partition or just a single big partition? Zhengquan Zhang
Re: crond.daily: paralellel or sequential? Frank Miles
Replacing a Debian package with the original source package Rodolfo Medina
Strange printing problem(s) Wayne Topa
best practice for lvm? Zhengquan Zhang
logitech quickcam chat on lenny Tony Baldwin
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' in mysql Bernard Fay
apt pinning and getting linux-image-686 from unstable H.S.
Re: LVM how to Hendrik Boom
Re: Audio/Video on amd64 Lenny - FIXED Larry Irwin
how to retrieve bug reports for all installed packages ? flomine
starting lxde with xdm Umarzuki Mochlis
amd64 install hangs installing base system gcrimp
DPkg::Pre-Invoke Peter Jordan
Re: [OT] Gmail posters! turn off html! (was: Re: How to improve performance on laptop?) Matus UHLAR - fantomas
Automate ddclient installation Paulo Santos
Re: Date always wrong after reboot. [SOLVED] Nuno Magalhães
sitecopy 0.16.6-2 Hans Gubitz
info on network-connected web cameras, esp. config. and access protocols? Barclay, Daniel
mailining list deactivate
Re: grub error 25 andmalc
Archive Signing Key abdelkader belahcene
AltGr broken in GTK apps (?) since yesterday's upgrade Davide Mancusi
lenny install through apt-proxy mike
gnome accessibility update Jude DaShiell
How many users will fall for my Disposition-Notification-To? jidanni
Re: get hardware info through lspci Kelly Clowers
pptp on a virtual machine Toba
gnome accessibility update follow up Jude DaShiell
Suggestion for a mail package Mag Gam
customize emacs abdelkader belahcene
Re: VLC not showing video David Kinyua
Backup tar (/dev/st0) Márcio Luciano Donada
google cal issues, questions re: epiphany, iceweasel, iceowl Tony Baldwin
Anyone compiled the driver for BCM4312? Anthony Campbell
Re: No protocol specified, cannot open display error Aniruddha
How do I add an already encrypted /home during install? Aniruddha
network Q.: host name gets ".local" added after sometime H.S.
changing to UTF-8 Andrew Schulman
Best way of restoring /etc from backups after fresh install? Laurentiu Pancescu
To download only difference between installed version of a package and its new version Sthu Deus
Freezing in GIMP Frank McCormick
bash alias ineffective? Tony Baldwin
flash drive encryption between different OS's Daryl Styrk
(SOLVED) Re: How do I add an already encrypted /home during install? Aniruddha
can't get printer to work after dist upgrade John O Laoi
up-to-date Sid, Need help with xorg.conf Curt Howland
how to start paros? John O Laoi
why do package "configure"s during install take forever? Robert P. J. Day
How to make my desktop fit my laptop screen? Ron Kamm
gnome accessibility update followup Jude DaShiell
Diver X-server things configuration wanted. Sthu Deus
Printing to HP Deskjet 940c lrhorer
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