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Re: best practice for lvm?

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:
On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 02:02:05PM -0400, George Randall wrote:
Zhengquan Zhang wrote:
Hi debian users,

Can I say the best practice for lvm is to create a single partition for
the harddrive and single PV on it and separate LVs for /tmp /var /home
etc? and leave enough unassigned PE for later enlargement of certain LV?

Thanks for enlightenment and I am thinking of how to best utilize lvm
for a long time.

You will need the separate /boot partition and then your lvm partition. For an example my 500gb hard drive. I created a /boot partition 500MB, and the lvm partiton which is 200GB. Inside the lvm I have a 20gb /root, 60gb /home, and a 40gb /data(used with winblows). That's only 120gb of the 200gb I allotted. You can always resize them, going larger is easier and going smaller takes a little more work. It is all in what you need or want.

so the 300G space not in lvm is not touched by

If I would like to use the 300G space, how can I do it? I am facing a
situation like this recently.

Thanks for the reply, it helped me alot.

You could still use it either as one big partition, two primary partitions, one primary and one logical, one primary and another lvm.

You can only have 4 primary partitions on a disk. Your /boot and lvm partitions both need to be primary partitions.

I dual boot debian and windows 7, which windows 7 uses two separate partitions.

#> rm -r * <enter>
#! Uh oh!

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