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Re: [OT] Gmail posters! turn off html!

In <[🔎] 4A2544D6.4090407@l33tmyst.com>, Harry Rickards wrote:
>On 06/02/09 15:53, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
>>> [html makes your posts ugly and difficult to read.]
>> I'd say that's a matter of opinion... However i agree that mail should
>> be in simple text, especially if the list rules say so.
>While I use Thunderbird, some people use CLI-based mail clients such as
>alpine or mutt. In these, HTML shows up as the actual HTML code.

I use KMail, and have it configured to not render HTML by default, but 
instead show either the text/plain alternative or the unrendered HTML.

Most of the time I ignore any message to a mailing list that shows 
unrendered HTML.

So, even in GUI-based mail clients HTML shows up as the actual HTML code., 
but only if they are properly configured (or terribly misconfigured [1]).
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss@iguanasuicide.net            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/        	     \_/

[1] It's a matter of opinion, but I'm guessing that's what Andrei would call 
my KMail.

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