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Re: how to retrieve bug reports for all installed packages ?

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. a écrit :
>  flomine wrote:
>> Peter Jordan a écrit :
>>> flomine, Thu Jun 04 2009 01:43:32 GMT+0200 (CEST):
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I am using SID and I ask myself if there is a script or something to
>>>> list all critical bugs  from all installed packages. Maybe a script
>>>> using apt-listbugs  which retrieves bug reports on all packages present
>>>> in /var/cache/apt/arhives ? Or using the script  smxi?
>>> try rc-alert from devscripts package
>> And is it possible to list bugs only for the version of  the installed
>> packages (not for the last versions) ?
>> I tried rc-alert but it seems not possible to do such thing.
> 1. Read 'man 1 rc-alert'.  Clearly, you can include/exclude distributions. 
> Unless you are running a mixed or out-of-date system, that should be enough 
> to filter to bugs that affect your system.
> 2. Read 'man 1 apt-listbugs'.  Clearly, you can limit the serveries of the 
> bugs reported and, using either the 'apt' or 'list' command, control exactly 
> which packages/versions are scanned for bugs.
> This *might* do what you want:
> aptitude search --disable-columns -F '%p/%V' '~i' | \
> 	xargs /usr/sbin/apt-listbugs -s critical list
> Please, the documentation wasn't made just to keep developers busy, read it 
> sometime.
yes I know, I read 'man rc-alert' before asking this question. 
Indeed, the reason of my problem is that sometimes I have an out-of-date
system. That's why I can't use 'rc-alert -d U'.
Your solution is what I was looking for.

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