debian-user Sep 2013 by thread
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Re: how to run xterm with nested bash shells, or screen nested inside bash Zenaan Harkness
Re: Thanks Joe Pfeiffer
XFCE4 - gedit - was Re: Thanks Zenaan Harkness
Re: Does linux-image-3.10-2-amd64 package must have kernel-headers on SID? Csanyi Pal
Setting up apt when have mixture of testing, sid and experimental Csanyi Pal
Re: firewall à base d'iptables au démarrage (/etc/init.d/) Erwan David
Re: Resolved - was [Re: Identifying CPU] Stan Hoeppner
root user Roman Gelfand
Re: How to get rid of an entry in grub? Chris Bannister
Re: Cannot view all my android folders in nautilus after mounting android as MTP Chris Bannister
Re: tty1-6, gdm3, xdm, gnome, Gigabyte mb - many problems, little help Ralph Katz
Re: change alt tab alt tilde behavior in gnome Antti Talsta
Re: Not able to use netbeans on debian 7.1 wheezy Anubhav Yadav
Hotspot script not working Anubhav Yadav
Re: Wheezy: exim4 + mailman it is not sending messages. Chris Davies
Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian. Helmut Wollmersdorfer
strange bash behavior Matej Kosik
zfs not detecting drive failure Muhammad Yousuf Khan
dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Zenaan Harkness
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Darac Marjal
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Zenaan Harkness
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Zenaan Harkness
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Zenaan Harkness
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Zenaan Harkness
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Curt
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Tom H
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: dpkg-query - package "un"packed, no version ??? Loïc Grenié
su - root Zenaan Harkness
Re: tty1-6, gdm3, xdm, gnome, Gigabyte mb - many problems - Solved Thomas H. George
exFat permissions Curt Howland
Re: lots of complaints with latest upgrade André Nunes Batista
mcedit behavior under X Hugo Vanwoerkom
Utility diagnostic for hdd? Antispammbox-debian
[OT] kernels, OSes, C, assembly: how far goes the rabbit hole? Luther Blissett
easy IR blaster? Rob Owens
strange Cups behavior Frank Weißer
gnu screen key binding question - bind a key to: stuff a command + unbind the key binding? Zenaan Harkness
gwenview François Patte
ANNOUNCEMENT: Intel processor microcode security update Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
facebook + empathy + Wheezy Eugen Wintersberger
Changing pointer size in icewm Joel Roth
Reg: Error in apt-get install in libstdc++ package Balamurugan
itunes under debian Mike McGinn
DHCP Option 252 (Web proxy) not working Andrew Wood
Every 36 to 48 hours, can't send mail via smtp( reboot to recover Randy Kramer
no soundcards found... William Hopkins
Re: Wireless works, wired doesn't [Debian 6.0.7] Randy Kramer
Re(2): file system analogue of blkid. peasthope
USB adapter for SD card. peasthope
xfce and ptp protocole François Patte
NFS in schroot/sbuild Khaled Blah
VPN failure Verde Denim
tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Brian
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Slavko
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Chris Bannister
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Darac Marjal
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Chris Bannister
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Brian
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Kim Christensen
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Kim Christensen
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Catalin Soare
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Gregory Nowak
- Re: Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Tom H
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Gregory Nowak
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Brian
- Re: Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Anubhav Yadav
- Re: tri-boot debian, debian-without-dm, and windows with newer debian using partitions from older debian? Jochen Spieker
ssh X Verde Denim
please read i am not getting satisfaction from mytablet l got it in april i dont download anything on it and it is slow take long to load so what should i do please tell me thank you. phillip johnson
Headers for Debian 3.0.4 on ARM Jerry Stuckle
Problem with CableStar Combo "Janusz S . Bień"
Ownership of pluggable devices. peasthope
How many packages in Sid sp113438
end of resume sequence (to run my USB network fixup script) Zenaan Harkness
dell latitude D531 and suspend François Patte
ip tuntap del Zenaan Harkness
Installing and booting Debian from large hard drives in a RAID without GPT Robin Kipp
rename ttyS* cosme
how to remove libaudit0 and install libaudit1? shirish शिरीष
Identifying CPU shirish शिरीष
using `` to change current env Zenaan Harkness
browser-plugin-libreoffice in wheezy François Patte
gamepad (for supertuxkart) Felix Natter
linux's make oldconfig: Save in addition to [N/m/y/?], and ctrl-[C/\] to abort Regid Ichira
custom fixed terminal font testing Zenaan Harkness
has anybody known what became of the always releaseable testing essay/wishlist thing ? shirish शिरीष
Re: Re: MySQL slow and high load with Debian Wheezy (was: [whole mail text]) Daniel Enright
Re: [ Re: has anybody known what became of the always releaseable testing essay/wishlist thing ?] shirish शिरीष
Microcode update conundrum (was Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Intel processor microcode security update) Joel Rees
old tixus/runt fonts? Zenaan Harkness
using less in a bash script, screen blanking, alternate screen Zenaan Harkness
Re: wheezy keyboard shortcuts w/ lxde Andrei POPESCU
preferences to make guake transparent shirish शिरीष
Graphic issue 斟酌鵬兄
synaptic - stuck Verde Denim
Security? latinfo
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