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Re: Security?


i will respond to two mails in one :-)

Dňa Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:13:07 +0530 Kailash <listskailash@gmail.com>

> > We can't protect ourself against living in a country were hunger is
> > an issue, we can't protect ourself against wars, but we can protect
> > ourself against data robbery, by not providing important data by
> > the Internet.


no, this is not a solution. We can escape to Mars, but this is not
solution too :-)

I don't write about confidential corporate, government or privacy data
only. I consider any spy without legal reason again my person as malign

In our country here are laws for protection the letters (i am not sure
with translation). We have protections again unsolicited
telephony spy. Nobody can arbitrarily add bugs (sk: odpočúvacie
zariadenie) into my home. I know that all these are "local" services.
But here is nothing, what will protect my communication on the

No one will be criminal, if he will break my communication. And this is
what i see as problem, as a big problem, because our direction is into
world, where wiretapping is something normal :-(

>  http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/05/nsa-how-to-remain-secure-surveillance
> We have some software solutions. Could a system be also compromised
> when using a generic hardware layer? And if so, what options exist?

I take some time to read some articles from The Guardian and The NY
Times  at last weekend. And there was some older (at PRISM time)
article which provides some tips. Some from them:

+ don't use any services which are under USA laws, they are compromised 
+ don't use proprietary cipher software nor devices, nobody can know if
  they are compromised
+ be careful with open source software too, because they can be
  compromised too

If you have enough money, the best solution is to develop own
cipher solution. If not, the open source can be better (and more secure)
choice than proprietary, but not provides 100% safety too.

But i am surprised by the small amount of responses too. Nobody takes
care about this? Or people afraid already?



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