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Re: Security?


Dňa Tue, 10 Sep 2013 20:40:16 +0200 Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> napísal:

> On Tue, 2013-09-10 at 18:22 +0200, Slavko wrote:
> > But i am surprised by the small amount of responses too. Nobody
> > takes care about this? Or people afraid already?
> If I would have secret data on my computer that is connected to the
> Internet, I wouldn't make much noise in the Internet.

This is often made mistake. I don't write about heavy secret
business/military sensitive information. I write about normal thing,
for which people have curtain on windows, doors on houses. Or things,
which we are talking whisper (translation?). Or you have no one from
this? You never whisper? You have no own secrets?

I was more than 20 years in our army, where every phone has panel
with text: "Attention! The enemy listen!" :-) I have no problem to
protect my sensitive data then. But question is if the word have
to tolerate these activities.

> Here it's not allowed to hold a letter for your neighbours against the
> light and read it. It's not allowed to open the letter etc., but we
> are aware that some people open the letters or hold them against the
> light.

You wrote in some early message, that emails are as postcards. You are
right. I will repeat you:

+ SMTP/POP/IMAP = postcard
+ SSL/STARTLS = letters in envelope

Is normal in your country, that the postal office is opening all
envelopes and inspecting all letters? Is normal in your country, that
the postal office uses information from you correspondence to its
own business? In our country it is a criminal act and i believe, that
in other EU countries too. If someone reads letters against light, it
is criminal too (i don't know how these our terms translate into
English). Because to have the privacy is the human right and since our
law doesn't prevent this, there is some satisfaction by sanctions after
detection (and these sanctions are prevention too)! Where are sanctions
on the Internet? USA protects word against terrorists, but who
protect word against USA?

> Here it's not allowed to steal a car, but if you leave the key in the
> lock and go away and somebody does steal your car, it's considered as
> contributory fault.

Yes, and how many people consider stealing the car as normal and not
as criminal? Don't matter where the car's keys are. Are we still
talking about decent people? Decent people will not take car, nor
without keys, nor with keys. It will not break into nothing from
others. Only criminals nad stupids will do this.

Yes, i can think, that i am something extra, because i am not leaving
keys int the car. I can think, that is stupid who leave keys in car.
But it is really right? I was some times in situation, where i had
casualty people in (or near the) car - thereby i don't take care about
car's keys, but how quickly provide (or get) help for them only... 

Don't forget: Who is tolerating evil behavior, is participating on it...



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