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Re: Security?

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Wow (what hubris by NSA/USA)! Did any arrest take place for shutting
> > down Lavabit (sorry, no time to read just now)? Either way, nice to
> > see integrity/principle prevail in a human.
> The Wiki doesn't give more information. I suspect that they can't arrest
> him, if they would do, the American folks perhaps wouldn't tolerate
> this.

Bruce Schneier recently blogged about this topic with an interesting
observation.  I will quote a small snippet of it.  I recommend that
you read the entire article for all of the context.

  NSA intimidation expanding surveillance state
  by Bruce Schneier
  ... If you run a business, and the FBI or NSA want to turn it into a
  mass surveillance tool, they believe they can do so, solely on their
  own initiative.  They can force you to modify your system.  They can
  do it all in secret and then force your business to keep that
  secret.  Once they do that, you no longer control that part of your
  business.  You can't shut it down.  You can't terminate part of your
  service.  In a very real sense, it is not your business anymore.  It
  is an arm of the vast US surveillance apparatus, and if your
  interest conflicts with theirs then they win.  Your business has
  been commandeered.
  To be fair, we don't know if the government can actually convict
  someone of closing a business.  It might just be part of their
  coercion tactics.  Intimidation, and retaliation, is part of how the
  NSA does business.


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