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Re: tty1-6, gdm3, xdm, gnome, Gigabyte mb - many problems - Solved


On 02-09-2013 18:54, Thomas H. George wrote:
apt-get install fglrx-driver has solved the problem.

I had overlooked a message at the start of bootup stating a radeon
nonfree display package might be required. (Its on the screen very
briefly - it took me three reboots to read it).
I think i speaking about the package "firmware-linux-nonfree" where there is a file for Radeon cards microcode blob.

When i used the free radeon driver, until i installed this package, there where some graphic problems, and in dmesg i could read something about missing radeon firmware or code, can't remember exactly.

   The notes on the
fglrx-driver actually suggest trying the newest free driver
xserver-xorg-video-radeon.  That came with the netinstall, was properly
installed and the system did come up with a working gnome desktop.

In fact, many users might never encounter the problem I found.  If all
the user wants is a working gnome desktop and has no use for or is
unaware of the tty terminals the netinstalled system is fine.


Right now, because of the support of a Radeon HD7770 i have the non-free fglrx-driver installed but keep the package "firmware-linux-nonfree" installed, no complains so far, and when i (re)test the new free radeon driver, it will be ready to go.




"Enjoy while you can 'cos you'll never know when it'll end"

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