debian-user Apr 2008 by thread
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- Re: how to ::: installing debian in laptop, (continued)
- Re: Reg Blind Jude DaShiell
- doesn't work with nvidia-glx Alexander GQ Gerasiov
- command line browser questions: - javascript - lynx history Daniel Dalton
- etch installation on Compaq Proliant ML350 fails Fabrizio Lippolis
- Re: continuity of a topic in debian-user peasthope
- Finding services that are running andy
- sidux Michael C
- Backup system drive copy won't boot GRUB Brett Charbeneau
- debian bsdgames emacs packages conflict Jude DaShiell
- IO diagnose tools? Ding Honghui
- fsck died with nexit status 8 L . V . Gandhi
- subversion that just updated in sid does not support ssl? Magicloud Magiclouds
- release not found in my local mirror abelahcene
- Debian glibc package hce
- Source code editor Tero Mäntyvaara
- Gobuntu a gonner Michael C
- Question about how "aptitude search" is used Daniel Burrows
- Firewall froth.. Digby Tarvin
- fonts for certificates, preferable open source but free will do H.S.
- Re: migrating to 64 bit... Sam Leon
- linux-patch-exec-shield Freddy Freeloader
- Problem compiling simple C program John Salmon
- JFS Alex Samad
- SMP apm Digby Tarvin
- D-Link DWL-122 Wireless Adapter francisco
- Forced filesystems check on a HA server Rico Secada
- Lenny d-i and KDE Michael C
- checking life of battery? Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
- Support for VESA Textmode 132x60 Joey Schulze
- taming resolv.conf Digby Tarvin
- Flickering mouse pointer (nvidia-glx, Etch, amd64) Martin Breguet
- Backports packages in red letters. Luca Renaud
- creating a ProDOS boot diskette PETER EASTHOPE
- dictionaries-common package Jude DaShiell
- Re: shell scripting Jude DaShiell
- bsdgames emacs package conflict Jude DaShiell
- gdm/kdm/wdm-problem: wrong rc.init order? Johann Spies
- Need to update apt file? Patrick Wiseman
- insert USB stick, Debian crash Paul Cartwright
- Forcing specific IP address with DHCP Celejar
- CD burning stopped working Frank
- ide-scsi no longer in modules Larry Irwin
- keeping track of network throughput (volume, or bandwidth(?) ) H.S.
- merry prank for paypal? tom arnall
- Slow video on debian sid Bruno Buys
- removed root directory files Abraham Chaffin
- Debian Etch - LSI 8704ELP hardware raid problem. Jarek Jarzebowski
- How to install Etch using kernel 2.4.22? Jarek Jarzebowski
- moving /usr, /var, and /etc Antony
- Re: moving /usr, /var, and /etc Jörg-Volker Peetz
- Re: moving /usr, /var, and /etc NN_il_Confusionario
- Re: moving /usr, /var, and /etc Bob McGowan
- Re: moving /usr, /var, and /etc Damon L. Chesser
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: moving /usr, /var, and /etc Digby Tarvin
- Error 0x40 on Bootup David Baron
- Nis problem : Stephane Durieux
- down? fsydit
- time management software ChadDavis
- gdmgreeter locking display Thomas H. George
- hplip 2.8.2 or 2.8.4 on sid Thierry Chatelet
- Re: [OT] Naming Schemes (was: Laptop with Linux preinstalled) Vikki Roemer
- Automounting nfs shares John Talbut
- Sox, compiled to encode mp3, still won't Patrick Wiseman
- bash script question ChadDavis
- smartctl Vs lm-sensors Bhasker C V
- Using a second display adapter Digby Tarvin
- hack tool for finding IP assigned to MAC address? Rogelio
- Can I configure one truetype font for ghostscript while bitmap fonts for other applications? Wu Kejia
- proftp and mod_ban sadsjon
- jabber server Rogelio
- urgently need help with Debian can't started Pete Kay
- looking for a light-weight pin-yin input in any Pete Kay
- [Debian-User] OT: Linux + wireless-N nic Javier Vasquez
- Important Information! [ZF8VZO] T0KMNB
- having problem with install unixodbc on debian Pete Kay
- iceweasel and libflashplayer Richard Lyons
- compiling a 2.4 kernel Steven Jones
- Mount problem Asuka Langley
- Mount problem SID Asuka Langley
- Put server to sleep (hibernate/suspend) automatically after inactivity? hh . eu
- listening to BBC Richard Lyons
- Configure grub for Windows XP on second HDD Michael Wilson
- Looking for a decent IMAP server with hierarchical folders Public Mailing Lists
- Installing testing on a premade volume John Anthony Kazos Jr.
- iptables rule for streaming Shams Fantar
- wakeonlan Paul Csanyi
- Intel D201GLY2 MB with SiS audio controller - no sound LÉVAI Dániel
- badblock can not be detected gdstm-lnxmlsts
- dpkg troubles Jude DaShiell
- Why does synaptic clear searches? David
- debian utility question Jude DaShiell
- cvs and cvs-buildpackage install failure Jude DaShiell
The last update was on 18:17 GMT Wed Aug 07. There are 2887 messages. Page 4 of 6.
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