debian-user Apr 2008 by thread
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- Re: How To Find Which Sound Device Is Used?, (continued)
how can i use undefined symbol 서청원
new computer maybe wrong dvd burner Jude DaShiell
MySQL - Tuning for higher performance cypherstrong
Where can I find suitable for debian etch? Jaisen N.D.
when Debian SID have installed, never could to go to testing? Paul Csanyi
search for Tree genration script for openoffice . Jabka Atu
exim4 J. Little
Grub2 Bipin Babu
Custom icon Mark Neidorff
Installing flashplayer simon rowe
Questions about d-i disk encryption Hans Martin
Problems understanding RAM usage in top David
Debugging a java programme andy
Can'r record in audacity Frank McCormick
importing a Michael Habashy
no text or icons in xserver (gdm and xfce) Micha
Newbie trying to configure his hardware (video, sound and wifi). soyivan soyivan
custom kernel and make kpkg modules_image Damon L. Chesser
difference between kernel logs and /sys/class/net Martin Fuzzey
system sounds H H
Notebook Latitude D630 don't shutdown properly after update Marcelo
Network-manager wireless reconnect Miguel Gaiowski
Howto mount a Debian disk (LVM, dm-crypt)? Hans Martin
[Kind of OT] Why's this look like gibberish to me? (was: Re: Grub2) s. keeling
Re: *****SPAM***** Re: Re: cupsys does not print: update Mark Maas
Moving postfix to a new system Andrea Gozzi
Any `scim' users out there? Rodolfo Medina
How about LVM? Dennis G. Wicks
Disabling Iceweasel plugins Nicolas George
Delay when typing in konsole Wesley Mesquita
Phone lines network [is it possible ? ] Jabka Atu
smartctl shows hard drive problem gdstm-lnxmlsts
problem setting user and group on mounting a cifs share Chris
System Mail Troy Telford
Triggers Pending Mike Bird
Panel plugins won't appear in the “Add new item” menu. mk
Kernel panic with new kernel Daniel D Jones
Checking missing files in command line hce
Debian crash randomly mond
How do I get the tar.gz file out of a TPB.torrent file? A. F. Cano
Seeking Debian Linux user that might share some tips on adding extensions. John W Foster
Account Update Conncoll Support Team
lastest emacs-cvs can not start on my debian testing Silent
installing scanner canon Shams Fantar
`gedit' page margins customization Rodolfo Medina
jre wine L . V . Gandhi
Stackless Python package? David
f/oss routing solution Rogelio
Convocatoria para Cantar Coral Mirabilia
problems for making kernel module 서청원
how good is debian's hold syntax? Jude DaShiell
crashes... Perhaps a clone problem? Daniel Dalton
Apache2 + fcgid + Perl URNIL FGBEZ
via chrome9 driver remigio
undefined reference to `gettid' Mathieu Malaterre
Kernel panic when rebooting etch AMD64 Hendrik Boom
Put server to sleep (hibernate/suspend) automatically after inactivity? / problems with suspend via GUI hh . eu
Pinning ? lostson
Low-level problem with PCMCIA networking on Thinkpad 600 Brandon Kuczenski
Gnome/X terminal resize Jack Schneider
Fwd: Re: problem setting user and group on mounting a cifs share - Please help Chris
Xorg and multiple video modes William Thompson
debian emacs correction Jude DaShiell
mysql startup issue after dist-upgrade Bajji sw
Is RAID6 supported by Debian? Mark Allums
[Fwd: *****SPAM***** Re: Re: Is RAID6 supported by Debian?] Damon L. Chesser anti-spam stopping removal request Damon L. Chesser
raid setup recommendation Chris Parker
PPPStatus hasn't detected connection in ppp0 interface A. F. Cano
AM2+ motherboard with support for ECC RAM for media player / server Bob
Help needed: Evolution doesn't start!! Marcelo Chiapparini
Missing symbols: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs Thomas H. George
Canon EOS 400D and KDE Giorgos D. Pallas
connecting bluetooth device with bluetooth applet Micha
encrypted swap causing me troubles on boot Zoho Vignochi
tex4ht oolatex produces unreadable .odt file Andrew Perrin
dell 8200 ATI dual head video inoperable - Debian etch Sanat
keeping package selection with new install frits
Replace Ubuntu with Debian Igor
Debian=Linux Workstation printing to printer on a WIndows XP workstation Phillip Costantinou
Network FUBAR Daniel D Jones
Built LSI SAS RAID driver: unknown symbol error at load John Craig
aptitude question Jude DaShiell
kerbros or not Alex Samad
Grub2 menu font-size Miguel J. Jiménez
smartctl /dev/hda steef
"Nokia 6120 classic" and Internet connection with laptop Michelle Konzack
libpam_umask setup Bug
unison on testing and stable Magnus Pedersen
How can i run shell script after mail arrive ? Jabka Atu
troubles with custom repository Matt Zagrabelny
Backup requirement Masatran, R. Deepak
intel network adapter on debian 4.0 Robert Robert
OT: Good binary diff? Nelson Castillo
The last update was on 18:17 GMT Wed Aug 07. There are 2887 messages. Page 6 of 6.
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