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Re: checking life of battery?

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:23:11PM -0400, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> 1) Is there any way to check the life of a battery on a Dell Inspiron 6400
> E1505? I am using Debian Etch.

what do you mena by life of the battery? If you mean it's operational
life, like before it wears out and doesn't hold a charge any more, I
don't know... 

but if you mean how much juice you have left at any moment, look at
the acpi command, it reports battery status and time left until
discharged or charged. 

Also, you can look at /sys/...some path I can't remember/BAT0... sorry
you'll have to find it, as I'm not at my laptop ATM.

Anyway, you can get the current discharge rate mA, current capacity in
mAh and max capacity in mAh and do the math to figure out where you
are and how far you have to go.

> 2) How to find out the number of cells in the battery? The manual says it
> can be "6-cell smart lithium ion" or "9-cell lithium ion". But I am not
> sure which one I have.
> $pwd
> /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0
> $cat alarm
> alarm:                   480 mAh
> $cat info
> present:                 yes
> design capacity:         4800 mAh
> last full capacity:      64548 mAh

hmmm... something doesn't look right here....
how can the full capactiy be larger than design capacity?

> battery technology:      rechargeable
> design voltage:          11100 mV
> design capacity warning: 480 mAh
> design capacity low:     145 mAh
> capacity granularity 1:  48 mAh
> capacity granularity 2:  48 mAh
> model number:             DELLRD8576
> serial number:           688
> battery type:            LION
> OEM info:                Sony
> $cat state
> present:                 yes
> capacity state:          ok
> charging state:          charged

according to these two:

> present rate:            1 mA
> remaining capacity:      64548 mAh

you have 64548 hours of life left, but obviously that remaining
capacity is wrong... and the 1mA rate is at this moment and can vary

> present voltage:         11947 mV

hth a bit


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