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Re: [OT] Naming Schemes (was: Laptop with Linux preinstalled)

On 19/04/2008, Vikki Roemer <vikki.roemer@gmail.com> wrote:
> Whereas my main computer has had the same name since I set it up--
>  neuromancer.  My naming scheme is AI computers/robots (I have to throw
>  in robots to include my fiance's computer, Canti).  That system has
>  been in several cases, with several different processors (AMD Duron,
>  P3, now Celeron D).  The only thing that's remained constant is most
>  of the data in my home dir, and even that's moved across a couple
>  harddrives.

My naming scheme is similar to yours, but based on Battlestar
Galactica. I have Caprica(router), Starbuck (Temperamental),
Galactica, Earth(Server), Cylon (Wireless router) and

Names remain the same over different hardware - less work. For me it
is the data it holds or the function it performs that I name.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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