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Re: Firewall froth..

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 08:06:01PM +0000, Digby Tarvin wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 01:23:59PM -0400, Brian McKee wrote:
> >
> > On 15-Apr-08, at 11:42 AM, Digby Tarvin wrote:
> > >The problem I am having is that the messages from the firewall really
> > >flood /var/log/messages to the point where I am concerned they may
> > >cause
> > >me to miss other important things.
> > >...
> > >Perhaps I should redirect the firewall logs to a separate file? Or
> > >just stick my head in the sand and log nothing - which is presumably
> > >the situation with my dsl router..
> > >
> >
> > If it's dropped - then the firewall did it's job.
> > Why look at the results unless you have a problem?
> > Worry about what's getting through, not what isn't....
> >
> > Brian
> Thanks, that's what I was thinking. If anyone can think of a reason
> not to extend the 
> DROP    net             fw              udp     1026:1029
> so that logging for all blocked packets is supressed i'd be interested
> in hearing it..

just be careful with UDP its a connectionless protocol, there for any
UDP streams will not be caught in the state RELATED,ESTABLISHED line,
for example if you block of UDP 53 (DNS)

> Just out of curousity, does anyone know what any of this bogus traffic
> to (for example ports 1947 and 1948 are popular at the moment) might be?
> Is it common to see this much noise? Is it perhaps undocumented traffic
> generated by windows systems that others have connected directly to the
> net? Or perhaps malicious traffic targeting vulnerabilities of windows
> systems that might be unfirewalled on the net?
> Regards,.
> DigbyT
> -- 
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