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Re: migrating to 64 bit...

On 16 Apr 2008, at 02:37, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:32:26PM -0500, Sam Leon wrote:
Could one easily upgrade to an amd64 system just by formating /,
reinstalling with the proper arch, and then reinstalling all the apps
that were installed and hopefully all the conf files in /home/user will be compatible with the arch change of kde and other apps? (of course I
am only talking about if you have /home and a separate partition)
Only formatting / will only work if you don't have a separte /usr or

I run amd64 Etch and have an i386 chroot for iceweasel with flash.
Prior to that I had i386 Sarge on a different box. The configs in / home
worked just fine.  I always migrate /etc by hand when I do a new

I presume you have iceweasel in an i386 chroot since there's no  
working flash for the 64 bit? This is something I am thinking of  
doing. I am starting from amd64 Etch (no other Debian on the system).  
Do I really need to install a full i386 Etch as implied by the Debian  
or is there a quicker/shorter way (that wastes less disk space)?

Thanks, Michael


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