debian-user Apr 2008 by thread
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Sound Problems Gerard Hooton
is it possible to have clamd go to 90% of cpu ??? Michael Habashy
Gnome Startup Problem Thomas H. George
LDAP admin password configuring libnss-ldap and libpam-ldap Juan Asensio Sánchez
mutt + mailings list ( + vim) Alex Samad
locale problems Dennis G. Wicks
Which backup package? Dennis G. Wicks
Aptitude Abnormality Jack Schneider
vectoring AD / Jabber logins to AD? Rogelio
CPU frequency scaling Peter Tynan
2 ISPs ( 2 gateways) and a Debian Box John Marvin L. Magsino
HS: How to ban some IP's to connect to apache server Thierry Chatelet
preseed.cfg surprise Jude DaShiell
Burning Audio CD Daniel Ngu
/dev/null > /dev/sdb1 ! paragasu
Strange window problem Frank
emacspeak with erc on debian lenny
1024 cylinder limit. paragasu
Problem: ldconfig: /usr/lib/xxx... is not a symbolic link Dennis G. Wicks
Re: Howto for ADempiere ERP under Debian Etch released Henry Gunter
NC problem Martin S
Problems with SATA and Mondo Joan Carles Pineda
xscreensaver Alex Samad
Calling a script after USB scanner is plugged Rainer Dorsch
Gnome workspaces? Depo Catcher
External IP Daniel Ngu
Laptop Power Management and 2.6.24+ Leo L. Schwab
hearse package broken Jude DaShiell
Problem to turn DMA on Rafael Fontenelle
Help - /usr not mounting! Peter Tynan
Exim4 Incompatable Command Line Arguments David Baron
emacs research Jude DaShiell
emacs sarge surprise! Jude DaShiell
banshee transition - or worse? Enno Weichert
apt-get from hard disk ktt
switch from LILO to grub failed Fabrizio Lippolis
Kernel sources for Debian kernel 2.6.18-6-686 Oliver
Apache2 .net and php Robert Jerrard
dwww problem Andreas Rönnquist
PATA (sic) support in sata_promise module michael
help required sadia jameel
Help using my new scanner Marc Shapiro
Unmet dependencies Xfce4 andy
Force process to swap? Rich Healey
re: emacs sarge surprise Jude DaShiell
rdesktop - local HDD share problem Seshadri T N
How to refresh Debian to install software set Dennis G. Wicks
Dansgardian returns a Http code 200 for a denied page Fabien Boucher
Various questions on encrypted partitions Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
swap space and hd partitioning tyler
Copying a complete root parition over a network cable for a new install Micha
Re: Copying a complete root parition over a network cable for a new install NN_il_Confusionario
Re: Copying a complete root parition over a network cable for a new install Ron Johnson
Re: Copying a complete root parition over a network cable for a new install Pol Hallen
Backing up an entire hard drive Micha
scripting - how to handle blanks michael
Re: scripting - how to handle blanks Owen Townend
Trying to install the Ralink wireless drivers James Allsopp
prevent writing to unmounted directory Chris
What is the apt cache good for? Hendrik Boom
HP ScanJet C6270A and sane. PETER EASTHOPE
OT (slightly) swap limits Damon L. Chesser
Funktioniert die subscription wieder oder nicht? Michelle Konzack
What hardware diagnostic tools should you recommend ? Jabka Atu
subscription David Barbeau
First time ssh user needs help, getting authentication failures Nathaniel Homier
How To Find Which Sound Device Is Used? Hal Vaughan
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