debian-user Dec 2021 by thread
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- Re: need help on setup netgear adapter Long Wind
- Re: Emoji fonts in Debian [WAS:] Re: How to NOT automatically mount a specific partition of an external device? Charlie Gibbs
- stability level of testing daggs
- Re: Non-working CPU cores showing up Dirk Neumann
- Avoid rebooting server to gain back RS232 connection john doe
- Re: How to NOT automatically mount a specific partition of an external device? l0f4r0
- Monthly FAQ for debian-user mailing list Andrew M.A. Cater
- using intel i5 freqency governors Lee
- Double boot (Windows & Debian) with UEFI mode frantal
- why i can't download debian-live-10.11.0-i386-gnome.iso? lou
- Re: why Debian? Anssi Saari
- Re: Don't try this at home kids David Wright
- How to force compilerversion Hans
- qemu from backports and libvirt from main won't coexists daggs
- Pulseaudio regularly crashing; how to evaluate? Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum
- telegram-desktop backports request piorunz
- Status of Bookworm Kenneth Parker
- Telegraph book? Tom Browder
- Sid - Retrieving bug reports taking time so long Robbi Nespu
- how to open mht file Long Wind
- Debian 11.1 Firefox ESR 78.15.0esr add-on icons David Christensen
- Debian 11.1.0 LXDE does not mount smart phone properly Beta Tester
- Re: ALSA plugins Andrei POPESCU
- Re: How to secure access to SD cards a la USBGuard? Andrei POPESCU
- OT: SSL Negotiation Failed rhkramer
- Re: Apt pinning. Andrei POPESCU
- Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted David Christensen
- Re: Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted David Wright
- Re: Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted Keith Bainbridge
- Re: Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted Mike Kupfer
- Re: Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted Thomas Schmitt
- Re: Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted David Wright
- Re: Debian 11.1, xfce4-terminal, select entire line, middle-click, newline not pasted David Christensen
- After upgrade from 10 to 11, 63 broken packages and aptitude never finishes. A. F. Cano
- Question on permission denied (public key) Adriel Peng
- gimpfu (python) module A. Kapetanovic
- Wireguard on Bullseye Charles Curley
- wifi connection fail after installation Long Wind
- filesystem I'd? Gene Heskett
- SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David Christensen
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David Wright
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David Christensen
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David Christensen
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David Wright
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong Reiner
- Re: SD card, exfat, file mtime wrong David Christensen
- Install older versions of Debian with WSL Max Nadig
- NVME disk drive Piper H
- question about a .deb file Piper H
- question about different software versions on Debian 10 and 11 Piper H
- oddjob-mkhomedir question charlie derr
- Customizing Grub menus Richard Owlett
- Reasonably simple setup for 1TB HDD and 250GB M.2 NVMe SSD Jorge P. de Morais Neto
- Re: why autoremove doesn't work Andrei POPESCU
- DHCP server for other site Bonno Bloksma
- Forwarding over wireguard Charles Curley
- When i install blender from terminal in Debian bullseye i cant see cuda or optix in blender settings. Deniz Bazan
- Firefox ESR EOL piorunz
- Update Debian 9 to 10 Thanos Katsiolis
- SID: update-grub ---Warning: os-prober will not be executed to detect other bootable partitions. Peter Ehlert
- Reboot hangs on Debian 11: gnome-session-manager@gnome.service: Failed with result 'timeout' Tobias Boesch
- upgrade - packages have been kept back teamaster
- Refusal to receive emails from Debian-user Mailing List • Edgar Villanueva Jr
- Can you help me? TheReal MrBitcoin
- Re: What is libc5-i686 | lib32gcc1 (for proliant) Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Correct way to build in-tree module? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: LXQT desktop environment hangs? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Man pages for gcc Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Debian and FSF docs (was: Man pages for gcc) Andrei POPESCU
- using pam-ldap to allow ssh logins from only *some* ldap accounts (and not all) charlie derr
- Re: unkown root password and mkdir problem. Andrei POPESCU
- Re: How to cause a process started in .xsessionrc to terminate with x-session termination? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Why can I not uninstall this package? (fwd) Andrei POPESCU
- telling if we've actually booted from /boot/xen-4.14-amd64.gz Tim Woodall
- changed file while editing mick crane
- I'm getting a dependencies error when trying to install roundcube 1.5.1 on my bullseye machine Steve Dondley
- strange problem with usb wifi adapter Long Wind
The last update was on 14:40 GMT Thu Dec 30. There are 1001 messages. Page 1 of 3.
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