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Re: Reasonably simple setup for 1TB HDD and 250GB M.2 NVMe SSD

Hello!  I apologize for the delay and reply below:

Em [2021-12-09 qui 11:36:17+0200], Anssi Saari escreveu:

> Are you really on a shoestring budget?  The SN550 comes in 1 TB size
> too.  You could put two SSDs on the system easily.

I am Brazilian and electronics here are far more expensive than in the
USA.  Besides, I am quite frugal and will be well served by 250 GB SSD
and 1 TB HDD, plus external disks that I need anyway for backup.

>> On the SSD I intend to leave 35 GB unpartitioned for extra over
>> provisioning.  It would have just one 215 GB partition.
> Does that actually help anything?  I see it more as a case of "SSDs
> are ice cream" fallacy from the decade before last.

>From what I've read, extra overprovisioning still significantly extends
SSD lifetime.  Many say that current SSD last long enough with just
default overprovisioning, but I play safe.  With 1 TB internal HDD and
1.5 TB external HDD, I can easily spare 35 GB on the SSD.

>> On the HDD I would put a 34 GB swap partition at the beginning
> If you're going to page, why page to the slow media?  Because the SSD
> is ice cream again and will melt away if used?

I might reconsider the swap though.  I run Gnome 3 (with many shell
extensions) often with many graphical web browsers---GNU IceCat, two
Mozilla Firefox profiles, and ungoogled-chromium---with more than a
hundred total tabs (although most of them suspended); a QEMU KVM VM with
2 GiB RAM; GNU Emacs with many buffers and applications; Gajim; GNU
Jami; Telegram; KeePassXC; and Gnome Terminal.  I also have tmpfs on
/tmp, where GNU Guix compiles packages.

Sometimes my 16 GiB RAM falls short and the swapping hurts.  Swapping to
the SSD could help a lot, and the benefit could outweigh the reduction
in lifetime as it would probably still last long enough.

>> ...then a 215 GB partition for RAID1 with the SSD...
> [...]
> I don't know what you expect to gain though?

I've dropped the RAID1 idea.  I intend to rely on weekly backups and
daily rsync of some of the data (chosen by importance; change frequency;
and size) to the other drive.

>> I would have tmpfs on /tmp---I have read that long thread where
>> someone alleged that moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless but I
>> disagree.
> Any link to this discussion?  I really like tmpfs for /tmp but for
> everything there's resistance to change first and foremost.

LWN.net summary: https://lwn.net/Articles/499410/ "Temporary files: RAM
or disk?"

Summary by the thread initiator:
https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/06/msg00311.html "Summary:
Moving /tmp to tmpfs makes it useless"


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