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Re: Firefox ESR EOL

Am Freitag, 10. Dezember 2021, 13:25:17 CET schrieb Roberto C. Sánchez:
> [...]
> All the hate in this thread is really very tiresome.  I'm not directing
> this specifically to you, Christian, rather speaking of the general tone
> of this thread.  Discussing alternatives for users who are concerned
> about still being on FF 78 ESR and who would like options for running
> the latest ESR is fine.  But bashing on the people who have been working
> literally for months on sorting out all of the issues (and there are
> many) to bring the latest FF ESR into Debian stable/oldstable is not
> productive.  Nor is it productive to point at Debian and other distros
> and say things like "they do it, how come Debian can't?"  Each distro
> has slightly different objectives, operating frameworks, etc.  Debian's
> goals are different from Ubuntu's goals, are different from Fedora's
> goals, are different from Mozilla upstream's goals.  Let's just accept
> that (or work constructively to adjust the goals to better suit you) and
> support the people doing the work.

Hi Roberto,

thanks and I agree with all you wrote. But also be aware that not all critics 
is bashing and not everybody has the skills and/or time to actively help to 
backport the necessary packages. I do not intend to bash anybody, I understand 
that Debian is based on volunteer work (which is tremendous), and I hope that 
you consider the feedback as constructive.

What I am missing is transparency, but it might be my fault that I just do not 
find the right information. What would help me feeling more comfortable with 
the situation is 

1) a statement which is informing the users through a Debian channel about the 
thread before that appears on Linux Blogs/news channels. Even now I have not 
seen any comment on this topic. I am subscribed to the what I think are the 
relevant Debian channels for Debian users (and some more).

2) an estimate for the ETA. That would it make easier for me to decide if I 
can just wait for the update or if I need to work on another solution myself.


Rainer Dorsch

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