debian-user Oct 2020 by thread
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SRT-tools version upgrade Alan Latteri
Re: "ps -o %mem" and free memory in Linux Fabrice BAUZAC-STEHLY
Mounting /dev/shm noexec Valter Jaakkola
How to disable the screen locker on amd64 buster? Gene Heskett
Bug Report thinkingtwice
Missing i915 activity at boot time Rafa
Getting Debian Kernel Config for 5.4 LTS Kernel Janis Hamme
preseed ansible problem Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Device to use with cryptsetup Buster encrypted lvm john doe
Advice and/or help kdibble
Bug report - Samba version 4.9.5-Debian Martin Kormunda
Frequent freeze and Gnome restart Takis Diakoumis
Fingerprint recognition (on power button) rhkramer
installing Epson XP-2100 anthony gennard
No updates in Debian 10 for last 5 days Juan R. de Silva
Status of Apache Solr André Rodier
Debian 10 auto upgraded to Kali rolling Saurabh Kannaujia
dispatch-proxy : a means of faster internet access using multiple ISPs from laptops -- has anyone used it? Susmita/Rajib
Disable TTY login basti
Partial Mouse Lockup Thomas George
Question: SSD speed Hans
gutenprint is a no op here, why? Gene Heskett
Cross compiling gtk3 programs Flo
Trimming boundary of image in GIMP. peter
WordPress Log Out Issue Chuck Nemeth
Debian with Gnome user login list order deloptes
Gnome software and policykit question Paul van der Vlis
Quick help on rhkramer
Boot warnings: "No irq handler for vector …" nito
KopiaUI Peter Ehlert
KopiaUI backups Peter Ehlert
Encrypting boot partition in guest results in boot failure libvirt qemu-kvm john doe
Fw: Possible bug with my laptop built-in keyboard after update Jose Mojada
Error mounting LVM volume as root Marc Shapiro
PulseAudio is not working properly BaBa
SSD and HDD mick crane
Problems with Opera browser Mick Ab
Ownerships in /var/log/. peter
Appimage file that does not launch Hervé
Re: Gene Heskett
Re: How do I blacklist a package? Stefan Monnier
one thing i don't like about Thunar file manager kaye n
Linux not seeing all SATA drives Dennis Wicks
Re: Looking for a generic drag and drop gui for custom commands Christoph K.
Thunderbird / enigmail D. R. Evans
Hiding an app Frank McCormick
needed: a way to eliminate wasted disk space due to unneeded locale files L Godioleskky
how to open mht file Long Wind
Has Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops Susmita/Rajib
Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Message not available
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Dan Ritter
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Dan Ritter
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Dan Ritter
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Dan Ritter
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Dan Ritter
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Brett Gilio
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Brett Gilio
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Nicholas Geovanis
- Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Susmita/Rajib
Re: Have Debian developers contemplated means of faster internet access, using in parallel multiple ISPs from Debian installed Lap- /Desk- tops? Andrei POPESCU
Cannot install elixir from buster-backports Baptiste Beauplat
chromium users https question Gene Heskett
/home as a symlink? Jesper Dybdal
Stretch => Buster: AppArmor Jesper Dybdal
Stretch => Buster: iptables Jesper Dybdal
Stretch => Buster: Entropy during boot Jesper Dybdal
OpenSSl encrpt and decrypt a String Philipp Ewald
Iceweasel hangs Mick Ab
How to add an origin to unattended upgrades? Charles Curley
Activate Mouse on root tty1-6 ellanios82
rsync --delete Mike McClain
dosemu : DOS emulator program ellanios82
apt, update-iinitramfs - amdgpu firmware warning messages Gary Dale
dosemu ellanios82
Snapcraft : snaps : Dosbox-x ellanios82
Zoom. peter
The last update was on 08:07 GMT Tue May 31. There are 924 messages. Page 1 of 2.
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