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Re: Getting Debian Kernel Config for 5.4 LTS Kernel

Am 04.10.20 um 00:35 schrieb deloptes:
> cp /boot/config-xxxx.xxxx.xxx .config
> make .oldconfig
> make -j`nproc` bindeb-pkg
> as mentioned in https://wiki.debian.org/BuildADebianKernelPackage
> After make .oldconfig you will be asked questions about new stuff.

The oldconfig hassle is something that I'd rather like to avoid, there are a lot changes between 4.19 and 5.4.

I think I found a proper way to do it. It turns out the buster-backports repo actually has the Debian sources for all kernel versions that were released in the past. Maybe the steps are useful for others as well:

1. add the deb-src line for buster-backports to sources.list and update
2. "apt-cache madison linux" lists all the available source versions:

     linux | 5.4.8-1~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources
     linux | 5.4.13-1~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources
     linux | 5.4.19-1~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources
     linux | 5.5.17-1~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources
     linux | 5.6.14-2~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources
     linux | 5.7.10-1~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources
     linux | 5.8.10-1~bpo10+1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports/main Sources

3. get source with "apt-get source linux=5.4.19-1~bpo10+1"
4. cd to source and run

make -f debian/rules.gen setup_amd64

This will just generate the .config for the Debian 5.4.19 amd64 kernel at debian/build/build_amd64_none_amd64/.config

5. copy config to vanilla 5.4.69 kernel tree, run make oldconfig (almost nothing to do)

6. disable signing options

scripts/config --disable MODULE_SIG
scripts/config --disable SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYRING

7. build kernel as usual with "make deb-pkg" and be happy


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