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Re: bash scripting question

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Mike McClain <mike.junk@nethere.com> wrote:
I've written a function to print elapsed time similar to /usr/bin/time
but can be called at the beginning and end of a script from within
the script. Occasionally I get an error: '8-08: value too great for base'
It's caused by the difference in these 2 command strings but I can't for
the life of me see what's going on.

now='09:07:16'; startHr=${now%%:*}; startHR=${startHr#*0}; echo $startHr;

str=09; str=${str#*0}; echo $str;


Did you wand to echo startHR and not startHr in the first _expression_?


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