Re: Both Abiword and OpenOffice fail to read Word file.
On 03/03/10 16:46, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I have a Word file that nither OpenOff ci nor Abiword seem to be able to
> read.
> AbiWord reports,
> AbiWord cannot open file:///farhome/hendrik/books/review-me/
> Book1PropertyoftheQueen.doc. It appears to be an invalid document
> OpenOffice says,
> General Error,
> General input/output error.
> (that's 3.1.1 OOO310m19 (Build:9420 and abiword 2.6.8,
> both installed from DEbian Squeeze repositories.)
> Any idea what I should do with this file besides copy it to a Windows
> machine? I can't send it to the developers for copyright reasons (alas).
You can try to read it with the package 'wv':
Description: Programs for accessing Microsoft Word documents
wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access
to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97,
Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading
earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.)
It's text based, so no fancy GUI. ;)
> -- hendrik
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