> You were already told that a reinstall is most definitely the easiest, > fastest and safest procedure. But if you want to try it: > > http://teddyb.org/~rlpowell/hobbies/debian_arch_up/ Thanks for all the suggestions. I had a go with the above site using the powerful command: #dpkg --force-depends --force-architecture --force-overwrite -i to install the suggested libs: ia32-libs_1.19_amd64.deb lib32asound2_1.0.14a-1_amd64.deb lib32gcc1_4.2-20070609-1_amd64.deb lib32ncurses5_5.6-3_amd64.deb lib32stdc++6_4.2-20070609-1_amd64.deb lib32z1_1.2.3-15_amd64.deb libc6-i386_2.5-9_amd64.deb lsb-release_3.1-23.1_all.deb but this seriously wipes out most applications. I think in fact that site and those libs are out of date and the site should be taken down or updated, use it to your peril. -- C --
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