debian-user Jun 2010 by thread
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Re: Samba share not accessible from a VPN client Jesús M. Navarro
Help new Debian user ABSDoug
GPG / GMail Mathieu Malaterre
Re: horrible mc colorscheme Klistvud
New user: Did not see any responds ABSDoug
Debian on a Dell r310? Justin Sherrill
New to Debian (what I've done so far) ABSDoug
Fwd: Re: Problems with version 10.01 Alexander Batischev
Re: md does a monthly resync?? (was Re: Questions about RAID 6) Jesús M. Navarro
Re: The purchase of a new laptop on debian Hendrik Boom
logrotate won't finish, high cpu usage manuel
Acer Aspire One wireless issue ABSDoug
segfault in strlen arno
Xorg eats lot of CPU after upgrade to KDE 4.4 Jan Hlodan
`No valid armored OpenPGP data block found' Merciadri Luca
GRUB2 - automatically generating extra entries Jason Heeris
[OT] advice on finding programming help Mark Allums
[SOLVED, SUPERFICIALLY] Re (8): xorg-server failing on IBM NetVista with Intel 82815 video peasthope
Connectivity issue - tcpdump reports ping a success, ping itself does not. TS Lura
"Stable" vs "Unstable" & "Testing" ABSDoug
Re: Questions about RAID 6 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
how to prevent a module from auto loading Long Wind
Problem playing DVD in Squeeze Peter Tenenbaum
spamassassin: rules set manually updating. Sthu Deus
(solved)Re: how to prevent a module from auto loading Long Wind
debian stable + nvidia driver Mathieu Malaterre
Fixing linux image 2.6 in backports Mathieu Malaterre
virtuoso consuming too many resources + bug(?) Γιώργος Πάλλας
Does anyone have experience on installing Debian(5.0) on laptop Lenovo x1004? kzsyz
Ordering init scripts & use of CONCURRENCY Arthur Machlas
debian customizations joe
What files are required to run Openfire XMPP server on Lenny? surreal
Debian on SGI 02 Brennan Bonnet
Selecting the sound card in Alsamixergui. peasthope gone? Johannes Rohr
Re: gone? Gerard Robin
Running Evince outside of Gnome Alexander Batischev
Apache reverse proxy and charset Jason Voorhees
Re: Re: About USB hard drives and errors Paul E Condon
Debian asking for DVD... (FYI) ABSDoug
ntfs-config ABSDoug
Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian ABSDoug
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian jeremy jozwik
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Lisi
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Alexander Batischev
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Mihamina Rakotomandimby
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian ABSDoug
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Neal Hogan
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Neal Hogan
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian ABSDoug
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Neal Hogan
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Ron Johnson
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Hugo Vanwoerkom
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Ron Johnson
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Matthew Moore
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian Ron Johnson
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian John Hasler
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian ABSDoug
- Re: Web browsers, Adobe Flash & Debian peasthope
Trouble upgrading to evince 2.30.1-3 Peter Tenenbaum
problem with acm module Long Wind
Publicidad para mail efectiva reducido importe rai aldo tomas carp serpa tomes
Lenny / Pidgin / Msn Frederic Robert
crash analysis? Miles Fidelman really slow/nonresponsive Mark
Dhclient Errors David Baron
Fetchmail/SMTP Errors David Baron
Ntpdate Errors (previously posted, +) David Baron
autobugreport Кирилл -
Fw: bti help Eleos Fever
ls -alR with wd? Merciadri Luca
How to move Git commit to some branch? Alexander Batischev
Re: SOLVED Re: Debian asking for DVD... (FYI) ABSDoug
Unidentified subject! Robert Patton
Opinions about my partition Germana Oliveira
Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk" Chris Davies
debian architecture history question Paul E Condon
Upgrade Kernel, Lose External Display Gilbert Sullivan
possible serious problem with Debian 5.0 installation partitioning Gary S. Trujillo
Mutt and GPG - claims ALL signatures can't be verified Alexander Batischev
Caraíbas * Baleares & Canárias * Cabo Verde parede
problem with ati driver in kernel 2.4 Long Wind
debian multimedia is back Mark Neidorff
remove old email address. Joe Prince
Adobe Flash 10.1 in 64-bit Lenny Chris Hiestand
Configuring java plugin for iceweasel on amd64 Peter Tenenbaum
World Cup, Adobe and upgrading from Etch to Lenny Bill
RTFM - according to Yoda Lisi
Wireless USB adapters. Weaver2World
Second monitor as Primary. Sthu Deus
Votre voyage au Maroc ! Comfort Plus
Using HP Storageworks 1/8 G2 with Debian Lenny Daniel Bareiro
Suspected SPAM Votre voyage au Maroc ! Comfort Plus
Re: aptitude can't find a package? (was Re: Configuring java plugin for iceweasel on amd64) Peter Tenenbaum
Webcam driver on HP Mini 110-1020LA Jason Voorhees
does apt-get source verify signature? Rob Owens
pbuilder ignoring trust violations Rob Owens
nfs udp problem Alexander Samad
connecting to wifi accesspoint.. sudheendra . kalgar
Dimmed GDM Nima Azarbayjany
/etc/cron.daily/apt obsolete after installing cron-apt? b1
Enigmail: why couldn't I sign an HTML message? Merciadri Luca
new authentication mechanism in Squeeze?; was > Re (n): xorg-server failing on IBM NetVista with Intel 82815 video peasthope
xvidtune doesn't work after upgrade Arthur Barlow
telnetd in Squeeze; was new authentication mechanism in Squeeze? peasthope
LVM Gerald C.Catling
The last update was on 04:48 GMT Mon Jul 15. There are 2194 messages. Page 2 of 5.
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