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Running Evince outside of Gnome


I'm used to use Evince as PDF/Djvu reader under dwm (dynamic window manager;
[1]) for pretty long time, and everything was fine. But some time ago something
in Squeeze broken, and now Evince can't remember state of panels (was it shown
or hidden) and position in file. It used to be very nice feature that Evince
started in exactly the same state as you left it, and it was especially nice
that it remembered panels state for each file separately, so I could have
toolbar and thumbnails bar enabled for one fine while disabled for other.

Here's what I get when I start Evince from terminal:

** (evince:6574): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name

So it seem that gnome settings daemon don't run. I tried to start it:

$ sudo aptitude install gnome-settings-daemon
$ gnome-settings-daemon
$ % ps aux | grep gnome
minoru    9140  0.3  1.1  23220 11932 ?        Ss   01:05   0:00 gnome-settings-daemon

Now when I start Evince, it doesn't complain, but it still don't save position
in file (but it doesn't show any errors). If I disable thumbnails bar, I get
this message (in terminal):

** (evince:10723): WARNING **: Setting attribute metadata::evince::sidebar_visibility not supported

It also seems that something happens to my touchpad when I start
gnome-settings-daemon - I lose tapping and multitouch scrolling. It also does
something to desktop wallpaper - I lose it, too, getting weird green background
instead. Killing daemon and restarting Xorg solves the problem.

I moved to zathura[2], kinda like it already, but I still want to know how to
get Evince working. Any ideas?

    1. http://dwm.suckless.org/
    2. https://zathura.pwmt.org/

Alexander Batischev

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