debian-user Sep 2009 by thread
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Fwd: Boot problem with Kernel Package kernels Arthur Barlow
udev won't let me change my network interface? C. G. Montgomery
Is there a central depository so that I can download all the source packages? Peng Yu
Re: Post to this list delayed over 15 hours John Magolske
Re: Fast booting for a Debian system - and suggestions for said system Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Re: wi-fi security? Andrei Popescu
Re: Network Manager cannot be removed Stefan Monnier
Re: Looking for a media center application Stefan Monnier
Re: Emacs Stefan Monnier
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Emacs Sjoerd Hardeman
Re: Tbird Reply To List (was Re: List Ettiquette) Brad Rogers
Emacs info files Stephen Leake
Re: ProcMail, WAS: Re: Fetchmail and Gmail Paul Cartwright
Re: Nvidia cards Paul Cartwright
file system errors Daniel Dalton
/dev/ttyUSB0 communication - shell script - Watchport/H Tomek Kruszona
Re: Silverlight/Moonlight/Tuva Sjoerd Hardeman
apt-get not working anymore Klaus Ethgen
Re: maildrop: (aas: ProcMail ...) Chris Bannister
Re: modifier keys stop working [second try] Chris Bannister
Re: problem installing Lenny Chris Bannister
Re: FireFox and UK spell checker Chris Bannister
Re: Wrong identification of a USB flash drive. [SOLVED] Mark Neidorff
Video editing software on Lenny Roman Gelfand
Re: Installed list of Apps S. Fishpaste
Re: Thread hijacking (was: Install gcc) S. Fishpaste
Epiphany browser always starts up off-line Arthur Barlow
Re: Fast booting for a Debian system - and suggestions for said system Chris Bannister
How to "make install" apt? Peng Yu
What is this PulseAudio applet? JoeHill
file system error on boot, fsck won't run, but system comes up after Ctrl-D Tony Baldwin
Getting an alternative email based issue tracker to work
Re: login manager problem for root Johannes Wiedersich
Error in Squeeze after log on: There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon. Foss User
Reporting List Mail As SPAM Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
insserv prereqs for network packages David Goodenough
Re: avoid debian net installerto fetch security and volatile Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Re: Laptop getting so warm : ( Hashimoto
Having linux ldappasswd also update windows password hashes Sjoerd Hardeman
Updating our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Plaxo Team
etch kernel version 2.6.18 Greg Madden
/etc/network/interfaces: network option Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Re: List Ettiquette Paul Johnson
Transparent reply-to-mailing-list for broken mailers Paul Johnson
[OT] Sun Fire X4450 Server and debian Raffaele Morelli
Balsa not resending unsent mails Klistvud
Forming drives together into a cache hierarchy Paul Richards
Emacs23 encoding Johann Spies
Terminal Server Client Roman Gelfand
System Volume on Lenny Roman Gelfand
Re: GUI Digital Camera Application S. Fishpaste
apache on debian Rick Pasotto
Encrypted SWAP with keyfile Ariel Laganá
problem installing new packages Bernard
probleme après installation avortée Bernard
Samba reexport of mounted remote CIFS share - HOWTO? Bruno Voigt
dpkg sees packages that don't exist Todd A. Jacobs
Websites which insist upon Adobe Acrobat Charles
package names michael
vmplayer dying on lenny/amd64 michael
ldap/libnss/ssh: (remote) login stops working after some time Nico Schottelius
":" and "." in interface name. Rakotomandimby Mihamina
VMI support in lenny kernel 2.6.26-2-686 Justin The Cynical
Re: ssh hardly usable after login Chris Davies
problem apache2+webdav Jesus arteche
Re: connection issues Chris Davies
Re: nfs permission problem Chris Davies
eth2_rename_ren ??? Márcio Luciano Donada
Re: problem compiling kernel Amax
Compiling from source and adding .deb contents. Nuno Magalhães
Lenny Backports problem Dale
How to save live video (mms) ? a dehqan
failure sending bug report Umarzuki Mochlis
Segfaults on apt-get update Jesse Sheidlower
lenny & VPN (ncsvc juniper netscreen) Alex Huth
Mail server recommendation Jesus arteche
Que servidor de correo recomendais Jesus arteche
Initial Installation -- Unknown Mode H 74.9KHZ V 59.9HZ Going to Sleep Spam Catcher
Fwd: Nvidia binary driver installation
static ip address is being reset constantly John O Laoi
how to set up iceweasel 3.5 to use mutt as mailer for "link sendto" Elimar Riesebieter
dpkg broken because of scilab-sivp Mike P
apt-get error message seems contradictory Gero Putzar
On boot - firewall warning....... Charlie
jackd won't start in X tomdeb
libc6 upgrade problem Laurent CARON
open office conditional formatting michael
Server freezes sporadically Adrian Kirchner
Amarok 2.1 playback problems AG
lprng needed by AUCTeX? brownh
Dialin server problem? I Rattan
Firefox 3.5 wine Eugene Apolinary
dependency based boot sequencing Charles Kroeger
Inquiry:Can I make use of external memory stick for Debian installation ? hadi motamedi
mount -o remount,rw as user Mike McClain
Inquiry:How to totally wipe out the entire hard drive hadi motamedi
Wireless card only works after an ifconfig ra0 up Merciadri Luca
Re: Inquiry:Can I make use of external memory stick for Debian installation ? Andrew M.A. Cater
Getting a lot of HTTP 502 from php-cgi +/- since last upgrade. Nuno Magalhães
Lenny annoyance David
The last update was on 18:00 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 2118 messages. Page 1 of 5.
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