debian-user May 2005 by thread
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Re: Howto make a boot floppy for my broken system. Clive Menzies
network boot cd? Matt Johnson
CDROM not found with 2.6.8-2 on ASUS P4P800-E Heinrich Rebehn
sar stan
Manual ODBC César Diaz
MySQL 5 on Debian Sarge Jacob Friis Larsen
samba server chuchyyy
autofs weirdness, invisible files Rob Brenart (TT)
eGroupWare: Applying email filters automatically Paul Johnson
Re: Kernel advice/help Monique Y. Mudama
ODBC César Diaz
how to determine whats downloading hacker
Please, stop mail massive ccastillo
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Michael Z Daryabeygi
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Michael Marsh
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Ian Cottrell
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Colin Ingram
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Ian Cottrell
- [OT] Re: Please, stop mail massive s. keeling
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Maurits van Rees
- Re: Please, stop mail massive s. keeling
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Roel Schroeven
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Peter J Ross
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Michelle Konzack
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Ian Cottrell
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Michelle Konzack
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Jules Dubois
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Michelle Konzack
- Re: Please, stop mail massive Micha Feigin
eclipse 2.1 crash at startup David Roguin
Burning with k3b -- "find: /dev/.static: Permission denied" Tom
USB dvdrw mount point Woes Thomas H. George
RE: [OT] USB mp3 recorder recommendation? Rob Brenart (TT)
problem while installing vmware 5.0 on debian Jason Wang
apt preferences Scott Webster
Getting a Dinamic Remote IP Romulo Sousa
CPU's and system monitor John T. Moran
Re: esd hanging Alban Browaeys
Re: hwclock hangs system Alban Browaeys
gnome-vfs doesn't mount cdrom or usb stick Robert Swan
usb camera on 100% scsi machine gothicdoom
Fw: Re: how to request a DNS update Paul Johnson
Ambiguity in dmesg output shatam bhattacharya
help in sarge testing->stable Alberto Bert
Ardeen Burbidge Clarence Blaylock
netinstall using sagem fast 800 usb modem Tasos Bazotis
Problem after removing old kernel packages Alexander Toresson
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion Martin A. Hansen
gnome-applet Frederico Rodrigues Abraham
iptables and masquerading: how to allow vpnc from lan H. S.
iPlanet 6.0 SP5 (Sun One) on debian sarge Keith O'Brien
debian sarge kernel question monky
rsync bug with symlinks ? Ioannou Ioannis
cdrecord failiure with kernel 2.6.8-2-686 Vegard|drageV
Which JVM to install ? Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragão
k3b screwing up cdrecord, [was: cdrecord failiure with kernel 2.6.8-2-686] Vegard|drageV
iodbc with mysql DSN error BAGI Akos
Package: sarge-i386-netinst.iso Andreas Mantke
GRUB gfxmenu Alexandar Angelov
any particular reason why jailkit has not been packaged? Alexandru Cabuz
ATI driver errors after last dist-upgrade ([fglrx:firegl_rmmap] *ERROR* map 0xde28ff10 still in use) Erik Steffl
Firefox cannot render amazon website correctly. Epiphany can. mulvihill
Virii on linux Deboo ^
not able to edit telugu in yudit Kamaraju Kusumanchi
Sarge, coreutils and fileutils Matthew Joyce
usb barcode reader not communicating Ryan Nowakowski
ldap admin password Lars Jensen and gnumeric Gerard Robin
is Sarge much slower than Woody on old hardware? Nacho
project accounting application in Debian? Nacho
Re: Re: Configuring CUPS to allow all users to (re)start printer Thomas Hess
helvetica font gone Frank Van Damme
is apt-build using my options? Alberto Bert
Rainbow Hello C program Jerome BENOIT
Can we define a Key Binding for mouse click in FVWM BingYU
How install GRUB into partition after Debian install? Ted . Keesey
upgrading to unstable Alberto Bert
Adding DVD hardware delta . ski
Emacs CVS packaged for Sarge? Alex Polite
How can I tag Ogg/FLAC files from their discid? Jonathan Melhuish
Re: vpnc client in debian: setup for normal users H. S.
Cups configuration.. Ishwar Rattan
substitute for ping hacker
How To Install Missing Libraries for Cinelerra? Scarletdown
pico 2000 Juan Manuel Tato
[no subject] João Gabriel Sapucahy Chiste
Freeswan and kernel 2.4.27 Jacob S
dnscache: readproctitle service errors Jacob Friis Larsen
Issues using mount - possible bug André Melo Carvalhais Dutra
Mailing lists for the BTS Andreas Ehn
Re: Can't burn CDs since kernel 2.6.7 - am I the only one? Vincent Panel
remote printing isn't working - lpd not listening Peter Jay Salzman
thread indicator symbols in mutt Ron Peterson
getting bad preempt magic errors when loading modules after recompile with gcc-3.4 Arias Hung
which is the module for CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_USERSPACE=m H. S.
OGM problems (XINE and MPlayer) Scarletdown
apt keeps the same upgradeable packages ah
how to change hostname Urs Thuermann
Command for base configuration debian
"foreign" fonts for X11 ? Markus . Grunwald
Problems with Toshiba touchpad, 2.6 Ulrich Scholz
howto: printer on another computer Alberto Bert
Dell A920 printer David Baron
apt-get and synaptic error Marco Calviani
boot problems Jatin Patel
Setting default fonts for xlib applications? Nicos Gollan
Get a head start on a new computer career Rosabel
tar packet Roger Martinez
kernel and controller raid adaptec 29320A Andrea Benedetto
Booting from floppies Amira Youssef
cvs pserver drives me crazy :( Markus . Grunwald
mouse clicks and virtual console acting wierd Peter Jay Salzman
Help with Zip drive Jerry Turba
Strange keyboard/GUI login/restart X problem Jerry Turba
Lost keyboard suddenly Jerry Turba
Burning Cd's João Gabriel Sapucahy Chiste
bug? serial port raw input mode dependent on processing flags? Dennis Rimington
How to disable "Disk cache" on RAM Mohammad Halawah
Intel MB: D925XECV2 Ishwar Rattan
Re: ide-scsi is deprecated for cd burning! Pigeon
Re: CD recording Pigeon
Problem with optical mouse PS/2 Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Configuring Squid Romulo Sousa
[Solved, but] Re: grub savedefault and saved does not seem to work H. S.
emergency: font problems causing gv to crash Peter Jay Salzman
java steef
cs4232/ad1848 problem Alexander Toresson
Can't Defrag Ext3 File System Leonard Chatagnier
RAID+LVM migration, need help Bill Mair
firefox Brian Martin
/etc/modules comment is wrong Jacobo221
customizing PS1 environment var with colour escape codes breaks readline Jacobo221
aMSN David R. Litwin
(Briefly) Cursor in Firefox David R. Litwin
Can someone replicate a firefox/cups printing bug Ivan Teliatnikov
vim and regex construct [^...] Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragão
We are one of the world leading legal sources for male impotence treatments Neddie
Installproblem: Sarge on PI-166MMX Andreas Mantke
Can't start X in Sarge Amira Youssef
Sarge Performance Lars Roland
undesired modules Bernard Fay
Need help w/routing between Eth0 and modem Scott Ehrlich
cannot mount cdrom! Aaron Maxwell
mlterm fonts size BingYU
mtab very long Sebastian Witt
[Fwd: Re: aMSN] Joris Huizer
demande d'aide sandrine keita
kaffeine messes up screen Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragão
Firefox pdf plugin suddenly broken Patrick Wiseman
The last update was on 14:48 GMT Sun Jul 14. There are 3548 messages. Page 5 of 8.
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