Issues using mount - possible bug
I 'm having a very odd behaviour using mount, and I think it is
possibly a bug, but since I'm not an experienced linux user, I'd like
to post the issue here first just to be asured I'm missing nothing,
before reporting it to bts.
I'm running a few weeks old snapshot of Sarge (never updated),
kernel 2.6.2-686 (from the install CD) and mount version 2.12-10 (also
from the CD). What I'm really trying to do, is to give all users on a
given group permission to access mounted volumes, so I created a group
called 'access' (gid 20000), and put some users and root into it. I
added to following line in fstab to get the partition mounted every
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs defaults,uid=0,gid=20000,umask=227 0 0
What does happen is that the partition get mounted, but with the
wrong umask (trying umask=227 mounts it umask=363, trying umask=337
mounts it umask=723, and so on).
Umounting it and then re-mounting it with 'mount /mnt/win ; echo
$?' always returns error code 0. Anybody has any clue about what may
be happening? Would this be a real bug?
If nobody has any idea, I guess I'll post this issue to BTS. See you all,
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