debian-powerpc Oct 2006 by thread
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no capslock on my sarge sputnick
Screen blackout-theme Bug John Wyatt
usb-stick wifi d-link DWL-G122 rev.C1 on debian sarge PPC sputnick
Re: usb-stick wifi d-link DWL-G122 rev.C1 on debian sarge PPC Wojciech Owczarek
test sputnick
old world nonsense, please rectify brian
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Sven Luther
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Benjamin Herrenschmidt
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Holger Levsen
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Sven Luther
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Benjamin Herrenschmidt
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Sven Luther
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify brian
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Sven Luther
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Holger Levsen
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Sven Luther
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Holger Levsen
- Re: old world nonsense, please rectify Sven Luther
Bug#394657: initscripts: Option for an fsck no matter whether the machine is on AC or battery Wolfgang Pfeiffer
sarge to etch PPC problem sputnick
Linux X server issue with Powerbook G4 15' Mathieu Rigard
grub-install Robert Millan
bug#390432 - still no boot 2.6.18 here Brian Morris
Try again : Linux X server issue with Powerbook G4 15' Mathieu Rigard
etch: shortcuts doesn't work whith KDE sputnick
Problems with Dial-up on Old World Mac Jeffrey Rolland
Is Krita still affected by bug #367059 Yannick Roehlly
maxima_5.10.0-6 Camm Maguire
mol and 2.6.19-rc? Elimar Riesebieter
internet from lan kansaibear
kradio failed Steffen Joeris
Sonnet Crescendo/PCI G4 Processor Upgrade Card with Debian Sarge Jeffrey Rolland Please remove numactl for alpha/powerpc from unstable Ian Wienand
mount hfs+ partition kansaibear
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