debian-sparc Mar 2004 by thread
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Sarge on Netra T1 kurt
Newbie Sparcstation 20 question James Nelson
Debian on Enterprise 3500 /w Fiber Channel Disks Daniel Beckman
2.6.2 on SS20 James Whatever
Retail Services Customer Care Message Confirmation (KMM11696570V90865L0KM) Retail Services Customer Care
Re: Here is the document (KMM1470452V92181L0KM)
Re: Sun Blade 100 Ken Texler
Debian 64-bit binaries Igmar Palsenberg
RED State Exception with kernel-2.6.3- Bertrand Sirodot
RED State Exception with kernel-2.6.3 Bertrand Sirodot
locking while booting from floppies Dan Hatch
auto poweroff - keyboard dependency? Janos Sziliczi
Склады в аренду Kennan G. Politicized
Losing my mind, RAID1 on Sparc completely broken? adconrad
SS5 won't install! Schaefer, Robert (PS)
Booting custom kernel Small, Jim
SPARCstation 10 Burke, Dr. Richard
Sun E2 Dual 296mhz SUNW Moe Binkerman
Bridging Small, Jim
Custom Kernel doesn't recognize 2nd CPU Small, Jim
Seagate Barracuda drives for SparcStation20 Art Haas
I am looking for a tftp boot image working for sun blade 2000 Jingtao Lv
Hey Timothy Ward
More SS20 confusion... James Nelson
SS20 video config? Andrew M.A. Cater
Got the SS20 working!! (woo-hoo!) James Nelson
[Blade150/netinst] Blue screen of Death... Marco Gaiarin
Bug#231747: libssl0.9.7: doesn't use /usr/lib/v8 on sparc32 when possible Justin A
SS5 install progressing, but have a question... Schaefer, Robert (PS)
SPARC 2.6 serial and console issues Bradley Alexander
mutt / Bus error Olivier Mueller
PCI USB Cards Mark T. Valites
Ultra10 / woody / 120 GB HD / fdisk and geometry Nathanael Camelot
v100 ethernet problems Marc Horowitz
Kernel 2.{4,6} on sparc32 Steve Kowalik
elite graphic card philippe mortier
KDE 3.2 Timothy Ward
FTBFS question on sparc Paul Telford
Problems with quad ethernet on Ultra 1 Brian Campbell
Re: Your letter candidat
stable/testing/unstable Martin Marques
От доктора Запрос Врач Зара
netra X1 tftp boot..and install Richard Marshall
[no subject] Shelly Esposito
Sun Fire V100 w/ custom 2.4.2[56] kernel: illegal instruction Willem de Groot
error compiling 2.6.5-rc2 Mustafa Hussein
Ultra 5 install problem kurt
Merci de votre message contact
Re: something for you davidd
devfsd not downloaded? James Nelson
Disregard newbie blithering above. James Nelson
sun4m sparc installation problem Andy Pazos
temp solution: sun fire v100 / gcc 3 woes Willem de Groot
SS20 won't talk to my hub
Alternative Network Configuration Neil D. Roberts
Press L1-A to return to the boot prom Leonard, Phil
Ultra 10: Which port to connect to for a serial interface? Satadru Pramanik
AFB microcode philippe mortier
HELP Euan Maxwell
d-i beta3 and my blade 150... Marco Gaiarin
sun4m nfsroot installation problem Andy Pazos
Installing Debian on Sunfire v210 Krassimir Tzvetanov
Фигура Врач Лиана
Sarge Installer (Daily Build) on Ultra 60 Alex Bartok
srmmu: out of nocache Joerg Platte
Status of 2.4 kernel with sparc 4m SMP Dave Lee
Debian, Cheap meedication for you! Goodyear V. Famous
Upgrading openboot David Leggett
[rebuild request] scsh for woody Lionel Elie Mamane
povray? Andrew
Debian, Quality meedication for you! Wriggliest O. Greets
ps warning message Costas Magkos
Mouse device , graphic card Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Ultra 1 telnet oddity Schaefer, Robert (PS)
where and how to get the latest kernel ? Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Installing Debian on SUN Netra T1 D200 Homer J
Will this Sparc 20 work? Chris Smith
XFree86-4.4.0 on Ultra5 behaves funny Arvind R.
Africa Online Virus Check - Virus Detected in your Sent Message Norton_AntiVirus_Gateways
Заказ такси // понятия. Знаю только, что как Holder J. Syncing
something busted in fonts on debian/sparc in unstable? John Clemens
Auto-Re: Mail System ( wrikm
Искусные приемы активных продаж Schlesinger E. Quinces
E250 LED indicators Costas Magkos
Blade150 and sarge bugs... Marco Gaiarin
От доктора . Запрос Врач Богдана
64-bit povray for sun4u!! andrew burd
kernal-source package for sparc? Mike Mestnik
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