Janos Sziliczi wrote:
Hi All, I've compiled a 2.4.25 kernel. When I'd typed the 'halt' command as root, the Linux shutdowned and the machine turned off automatically (no 'power-off' needed on PROM prompt).
This tends to hit the list once every few weeks.In both sparc and sparc64 the kernel will not power-off systems that are running with a serial console-- instead they are dropped to OBP (2.2.x did not act this way). I believe Pete was going to remove this "safety measure" in sparc a while back but I don't believe it has been done.
If you are running a sparc kernel, remove the check for !serial_console if (auxio_power_register && !serial_console) in arch/sparc/kernel/process.c. In sparc64, remove the check if (!serial_console) in arch/sparc64/kernel/power.c.I have a sysctl patch for sparc that allows selection of power-off at halt for serial console systems. Pete did not like this too much, but I believe it is a fair trade-off IFF anyone believes the safety measure should be preserved. The sparc64 arch could benefit from the same.
If you aren't up to recompiling a kernel, depending upon version you might be able to type 'power-off' at OBP. Some versions allow this, some require a keyboard with power button to be present. Of coure, you could always reach over and flip the switch, too, if it is not miles away.