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Re: where and how to get the latest kernel ?

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:

> Hi all, i just installed a woody on my sun Ultra 5 i'm looking for a way
> to make it a bit up to date, to get at least GTK 2 and run a recent gcc
> (3.3.x)

Not sure about the GTK, byt it will certainly be difficult to make gcc-3.3
work properly on Woody. Switch to testing/unstable if you need it.

> I try to find a way to get the latest available kernel, would you know?

Look for debian source packages for kernel-image-sparc-2.4 package. I
highly recommend this way instead of trying to build plain vanilla kernel
on sparc, there is a log of work done by debian developers.

-- Honza Houstek

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