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Re: Reccomendations for Sun Linux

elaborate the problem? this is sunblade 100, as we speak, running mail, web,
testing, unstable, openoffice, potato man, etc

On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 02:16:30PM +0200, D Lambrou wrote:
> Hi there.
> We are planning to buy some new machines (Sun) to run services such as
> mail ,web etc..
> Nothing too fancy . Can you recommend some machines that you know that
> are working fine with Debian ?
> For example I have a Sun blade 100 which has a problem with dma and I
> cannot use it as a live system. I want to install woody.
> Thanks
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> D Lambrou
> http://crazylinux.net
> You can always get my public key block from
> http://crazylinux.net/public.asc
> Fingerprint: C7B3 A112 3704 7202 2B33  6B28 5418 78DD 774A 7BCB
> -- 
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